Watering with trellis?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys.
Just done my first trellis/scrog net growing in soil and wandering what's the best way to know when the girls are needing a drink I'd normally lift my soil pots up and feels the weight but this isnt possible now......

Love to hear how you moved round this...
I use the old school put my fingers in the dirt method. I’ve seen people use the moisture meters with some success.

i water with a “transmission funnel “ if that helps. That way you can water with out getting anything on the leaves.

good luck! You’re going to love the scrog

i might guess that over the term of growth so far, you might have gotten some idea of how often you must water. the time between waterings will remain similar, and possibly speed up just a bit

keep it consistent,, easier for the plants and for sure easier for you

underwatering will show itself real quick, and adjust from there,, and for sure,, do not overwater and adjust from there,, no,, bad idea.

you gots it friend,, piece a cake,, cheers :thumb:
Shpot on cheers guys! It feels as if my watering atm is fairly low. Only giving 3 ltrs a week atm in 56ltr pots. Some people water double that more often! Hopefully it doesnt mean my root balls too small! But we shall see I'll water the same as I am now and let the plants tell me I think.
groovy,, and be sure to try and water the edges of the pots as well,, get the roots out there,, great stuff friend,, cheers
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