Watering guide for 30 gal Geo Pots


420 Member
This is my first time growing and I am looking for help with a watering guide. My plants are in 30 gallon geo pots with E.B. Stone 420 recipe soil and coco mulch as a soil topper, I also mixed in some peat moss and coco coir into the soil. I live in Northern California and have them growing outdoors. Can anyone please help with a watering schedule or guide that’s grown this way before?
Welcome to the forum @Poisonmp :welcome:

I looked up your soil mix, well cuz, I've never heard of it...and the thing that caught my eye was this, I copied it off their web page as to not get it wrong .....

This Recipe 420 blend is a special blend of ingredients hand selected specifically for the needs of professional flower growers.

With that being the case you may want to go to their web page and find out if you need special nutrients for that soil :goodluck:
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