Water curing because of powdery mildew help?


New Member
So my girl is just over a month of flowering and ive been seeing some mildew like stuff on the bottom of the leafs since 2 weeks ago , I didnt think of it as anything and kept letting her grow without trying to stop the mildew as I thought with the right temps and conditions it wont spread. I was wrong.
So now almost every bud on the bottom has some small traces of this powdery mildew. The top buds seem pretty clean and clear. With that said I am going to harvest her in a few hours to save all the top juicy buds. But I would also like to save the buds with mildew on them.

I have been reading up on this issue and how to get raid of the mildew during curing. I read that I should put my buds that have mildew on them into a tub of water , change the water daily and keep doing this for 5-7 days . then hang them up to dry like normal drying would be done. Is this correct ? has anybody tried this?

Also the buds that dont have mildew on them Im gonna put them in some brown boxes with holes in the boxes and a fan blowing on the boxes in a dark area. Any reasons why this wouldnt be a good idea to dry/cure ?

And What if there is just a bit of mildew on the bud leafs and I cut it off and dry/cure the normal way , can the mildew come back quicker because it had previous PM on the buds,?

Thanks for any advice.
Instead hit them with a anti fungal.

Neem comes to mind and so does thyme. There are many others too those are just what comes off the top of my head and that I use.

At 5 weeks they are way way way premature bro.

As for what to do after you harvest to get rid of any that remains = Jorge Cervantes: Washing Away Powdery Mildew - YouTube
WOAH WOAH WOAH Tiger. Settle down DON'T HARVEST!!!

Hahah , too late already done but altogether I have a very large harvest way more then ill need for months (if I can save the bottom buds)
Plus I didn't wanna risk my 2 girls that r in good condition without any type of infection to get mildew or such on them. Also I'm traveling overseas tomorrow so I didn't wanna come back to a room full of mildew next week. So yeah my best option was to harvest now . The buds r pretty good I get high as hell with my vaporizer .

Hey I poked tons of holes in my boxes that the clean buds r drying in . Is that cool or should it only have a few holes ?
cool , just hope everything is okay while im gone.
I actually just used purified water for all my bottom buds and let them sit over night , and then this morning tossed the old water and sprayed them down with the shower head and now they r air drying in front of fan for a few hours just to make sure most of the water that was on the buds is gone.
Next ill throw them in beside the others in a separate box with holes and a fan blowing around And let them sit for a week until I get back into town.
Hoping I come back to some nicely dried buds. *without mildew* , will update once Im back home.

As Always thanks for ur input JimmyC
Did you use the hydrogen peroxide with the purified water?

If not that mildew is still there and itll just keep on spreading. The hydrogen peroxide actually kills the PM.

Also I do not recommend leaving the buds unattended for a week in a box to dry. I got a feeling you will come back to buds that have dried too much.
No I didn't do the hO20 thing as I don't have time. But by what I can tell its all gone . I looked really close on each bud n I can't find anymore mildew like substance even after fan drying them right now . And About the drying too much well I don't know but I am gonna try anyhow . I read if its to dry put them in a jar and after 3-4 days they will get a bit wet again. Honesty I don't care I just want the THC . LoL

Thanks for the heads up though
You are gonna be smoking PM :)

You probably read if you add an orange peel or a leaf of lettuce or such to the jar itll rehydrate the buds. To a extent thats true. However it will not refill the cells with moisture it will be more on the outside. Once water leaves the cells it does not get back in.
You are gonna be smoking PM :)

You probably read if you add an orange peel or a leaf of lettuce or such to the jar itll rehydrate the buds. To a extent thats true. However it will not refill the cells with moisture it will be more on the outside. Once water leaves the cells it does not get back in.

Turns out there was no PM on my buds when i came back home today I guess the over night water trick worked. also it was a bit dry but not too much , outside layer was dry , middle layer was still moist. So i throw them in some plastic bags zipped them up and now just gonna let them chill, i'll air them out 2 times a day for a few seconds and see how the curing process turns out cos i think the glass jar is over rated. Im gonna cure in a plastic zip lock bag. As i dont wanna buy Jars just for that .

Hows stuff looking on ur side JC?
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