Want taller plants


Well-Known Member
Going on 5 weeks veg, should I just wait and let them grow taller or is there something I can do like trimming the bottom.
have they been topped? That usually breaks apical dominance… another thought might be try untopped with no lst for Christmas tree style, aka 1 main cola plant

looks like mostly indica dominant, it’s kinda easier to spread them wide and have even canopy for better penetration and then lower lights accordingly… sativa dominant tend to be taller more lanky varieties…

all I’ve got at the moment but happy to stay tuned and learn more…
Do you really want taller plants or are you saying that you want larger internodal space?

Plant height is a function driven by genetics, training, light spectrum, and light intensity.

In the plants in the picture, I see healthy plants that have been given a lot of light (congrats!) and, that if the grower simply continues to feed them well (light is how a cannabis creates food) and give them modest amounts of nutrients, they will end up producing an excellent crop.
What strain are they? They will stretch during the flowering transition, how much stretch is dependent on the genetics / phenotype. Watch what you wish for as I ran out of head space on my last grow and my plants stressed from the light being too close and they hermied...

Never had a plant hermie before from light but I have 5 more ft for headspace so that shouldn't be a problem. The strain is kushberry moonrocks photo female. Thanks
Give them more light and they won't stretch. They'll continue to build branches and leaves which will result in more bud sites with a lower, more even canopy.

A pleasure to work with and lots of large, dense buds. This plant was 30" across, 24" front to back, and about 24" tall and, arguably, the "best" plant I've grown.

Lots of large buds but a pain in the ass to work with and harvest.
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