VIVOHUT 2 Point Oh! Bill284 Grows North Atlantic Seed Co. In Coco

Good morning Bill! You're all schmeckly do dah in the deep freeze!
Well iu\t was morning before I forgot to hit return!
Afternoon Bill :ciao: Hope all goes well today!
Hey Buddy :ciao:
Snow came off the roof today.
Big steel roof.:rolleyes:
Been a shite show since.
Gave up eventually and called a back hoe.
What a freeken nightmare.
Hope your doing well :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Step away from the vape, Mr Otter 🤣
Hey Nick. :high-five:
All heck broke loose today.
Had to dig my way out.😖
I can't even hold the dam shovel anymore.
I'm wrecked Brother. :oops:
Should have taken pics.
I'm hitting the heating pad and turning out the lights.
You win your pool match?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hey Nick. :high-five:
All heck broke loose today.
Had to dig my way out.😖
I can't even hold the dam shovel anymore.
I'm wrecked Brother. :oops:
Should have taken pics.
I'm hitting the heating pad and turning out the lights.
You win your pool match?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Lost my singles 🤣. So embarressed 😅🙃. We were 5-1 up, well ahead in the 7th and the power went out. We split the last two without playing so 6-2. Would have been 7-1 likely. Just me that lost, couldn’t pot more than 3 in a row.
I didn't want to ask lol
In my defence I could barely talk. Had an 8mg gummy then was vaping Mim x OP and Panty Punch while I waited to play the 4th match. First play since December 6th… C’mon!


Played great in the doubles 😅
Lost my singles 🤣. So embarressed 😅🙃. We were 5-1 up, well ahead in the 7th and the power went out. We split the last two without playing so 6-2. Would have been 7-1 likely. Just me that lost, couldn’t pot more than 3 in a row.
Is that a typical occurrence?
Power going out in the middle of events and daily life?
Must have been a good gummie. :thumb:
Hope you enjoyed your night regardless. ;)
I've got the dentist today. :rolleyes:
Still in agony from yesterday, dam snow.
Be fun sitting in the chair today. 😩

Stay safe
Bill284 :thumb:
Good Morning Carmen. :ciao:
You believe him blaming the gummies? 🤣

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Morning Bill :passitleft:
What's the weather like today? Is the snow melting?
It's hot and windy here. I wanted a beach day but maybe that has to wait until the wind drops.
Gummies schmummies lol
If ai was blaming it on anything lack of practice and the Panty Punch - getting that tested tomorrow, its powerful witchcraft that one 😂

8mg gummy - I need two to make dent 🤣

No last night was weird. Power has bit weird, part scheduled part unscheduled. There were 4-5 random power spikes then total black out in the bar. At home maybe a mile away same spikes but no blackout. Bust a CMH bulb though. Down to my last. There’s a 320w LED in there as well so its OK the last one breaks. Anyway - they re did basically the whole island with up dated circuits, cables, pylons, substations the last three years. Its been a bit shitty the last 3 weeks though.


Have a sunset Bill, lie back and think of that when the tools whizz…


Hey Nick. :high-five:
All heck broke loose today.
Had to dig my way out.😖
I can't even hold the dam shovel anymore.
I'm wrecked Brother. :oops:
Should have taken pics.
I'm hitting the heating pad and turning out the lights.
You win your pool match?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
My wife could give us both lessons on delegating. I'm glad to hear "backhoe" in the scheme!
Ask for gas at the dentist today! 💭
My wife could give us both lessons on delegating. I'm glad to hear "backhoe" in the scheme!
Ask for gas at the dentist today! 💭
I still had to dig my way out. :rolleyes:
Thankfully we found a neighbor with all the equipment and a pension for good pot.
2 hours they were here and only asked for $20.00.:thumb::lot-o-toke:hehe.
I actually met him floating down the river when we first moved in, nice gentleman.
The dentist won't be bad today so no gas.
Just the sitting especially in the car.
I like eatables for the dentist but I have to drive.
Then to the lab for blood work. Just a check up.
Busy day again.
I'm planning on soaking seeds tomorrow though.
Back to business buddy. ;)
Your Missus must be a born leader.
I delegate, but nobody listens .🤣

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Morning Bill :passitleft:
What's the weather like today? Is the snow melting?
It's hot and windy here. I wanted a beach day but maybe that has to wait until the wind drops.
Gummies schmummies lol
Good Morning Carmen 🌞
Irish people rust in the sun, we don't tan.🤣
Love the heat just have to be careful in the sun.
Only minus 10 today, not terrible.
But it's crazy what you get used to in the north. ;)
Hope the wind dies down and you get a nice day out.
Enjoy every minute you can. :Rasta:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
If ai was blaming it on anything lack of practice and the Panty Punch - getting that tested tomorrow, its powerful witchcraft that one 😂

8mg gummy - I need two to make dent 🤣

No last night was weird. Power has bit weird, part scheduled part unscheduled. There were 4-5 random power spikes then total black out in the bar. At home maybe a mile away same spikes but no blackout. Bust a CMH bulb though. Down to my last. There’s a 320w LED in there as well so its OK the last one breaks. Anyway - they re did basically the whole island with up dated circuits, cables, pylons, substations the last three years. Its been a bit shitty the last 3 weeks though.


Have a sunset Bill, lie back and think of that when the tools whizz…


Your neck of the woods is incredible, always makes me smile :thanks:
Such beautiful scenery everywhere. :yahoo:
Snow is snow everything looks the same here.🥶
So dumb question, surge protectors on all your rooms?
Is that why the LEC popped? No protectors?
I have some test kits I should try one out.
Won't be as accurate as yours.
Be nice to have an idea though.
Has that announcement by the government effected sales or anything?
Hope they don't ban it again.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good morning amigo, hate it for you with yer back. Hope the heating pad works. CL🍀
Thanks Cap'n. :thanks:
Heating pad is great when I get to use it.
You know what it's like always something to do around the house.
Getting low on firewood now.
Never ends.:rolleyes:
Stay warm Buddy.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks Cap'n. :thanks:
Heating pad is great when I get to use it.
You know what it's like always something to do around the house.
Getting low on firewood now.
Never ends.:rolleyes:
Stay warm Buddy.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
U2 -brother, don’t overdo it with the wood. CL🍀
Your neck of the woods is incredible, always makes me smile :thanks:
Such beautiful scenery everywhere. :yahoo:
Snow is snow everything looks the same here.🥶
So dumb question, surge protectors on all your rooms?
Is that why the LEC popped? No protectors?
I have some test kits I should try one out.
Won't be as accurate as yours.
Be nice to have an idea though.
Has that announcement by the government effected sales or anything?
Hope they don't ban it again.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Island is packed at rhe moment so stuff is selling. Trying to find dispensary owners aren't high and talking gibberish by 9am is an issue - not a professional market.

Electrics - we have safety breakers on the MCB for all the electrical plug circuits. That one was off a beaker box off the MCB - a jury rigged timer. Old school digital ballast. Old bulb. Meh - it was safe and earthed I guess.

I think @Absorber was telling me something I could do that wasn’t just buying 30 surge protectors. We have a lot of electical stuff. 6 AC,s swimming pool with multiple pumps, lots of water pumps, 10 grow lights, 5 tvs, 5 ceiling fans - our bill is $900-1000 each month


A bulb I can live with, everything else safe is all I care about.
Island is packed at rhe moment so stuff is selling. Trying to find dispensary owners aren't high and talking gibberish by 9am is an issue - not a professional market.

Electrics - we have safety breakers on the MCB for all the electrical plug circuits. That one was off a beaker box off the MCB - a jury rigged timer. Old school digital ballast. Old bulb. Meh - it was safe and earthed I guess.

I think @Absorber was telling me something I could do that wasn’t just buying 30 surge protectors. We have a lot of electical stuff. 6 AC,s swimming pool with multiple pumps, lots of water pumps, 10 grow lights, 5 tvs, 5 ceiling fans - our bill is $900-1000 each month


Talking gibberish by 9am :rofl:
That's nuts $1000.00 what currency? American? :oops:
Sell sell sell.:thumb:
Even running 5 rooms I never had a bill like that. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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