Vision Seeds Kosher Grow


Active Member
Hi, this is my first attempt at a Grow Journal, any advice will be gratefully accepted!

Vision Seeds Kosher 85% Indica, 15% Sativa.
Seeds into Root Riot blocks 22nd May 2021.
Sprouted and into small pots with canna coco 27th May 2021, under Mars Hydro 110watt LED.
Repotted into 7" pots with 70/30% mixer canna coco and perlite, 14th June 2021. Feeding daily with recommended levels of Canna Coco A+B, Calmag and Plant Magic Rooting stimulant.
Replaced Mars Hydro with Sylstar 110watt LED 21st June 2021.
Switched to 12/12 hours 27th June 2021.
Added Plant Magic Bloom to feeding mix EC 1.4 - 1.8, Soft water with no EC reading.
Moved plants into new 1.2x1.2x1.8 loft tent under Sylstar GL-4000 LED, 9th July 2021. Pics to follow, MacBook won't recognise my photos so I have to do this bit on the phone!
Temperature in tent is 25 - 26 degrees.
Well, I did the @ thing anyhoo. I am fairly tech savvy but I don't do Twatter, Facepish or any other so-called social network stuff apart from this. I do, however, have my own anti-social network with zero users, Haw Haw.

You're not alone . I'm not on any other social thing. I don't even have a mobile phone, as I dislike people in general. But this site has a great community. No people takin the pish. Just all genuine folks, who share the same passion; Growing weed.. everyone is so helpful .. pity the world outside our front doors weren't as friendly as this site..
12th July 2021: Fed with Canna Coco A+B, Pamt Magic Bloom to EC 1.8 Runoff at EC 1.4, hungry ladies! First bits showing so call this day one of flowering. On this, when do others call day one? For me, it's always been around two weeks after turning the light to 12/12, when the first bits show. I've got the Sylstar GL400 set to 70%, drawing 315 watts. Looks plenty bright enough for now.
17th July, sylstar GL4000 still set at 70% drawing 315w, the girls seem to be happy with that so far (pics below). Feed as above runoff still a few points below input and I give at least one low EC (1.2ish) feed per week to flush any excess salts.
Aaarrrgghhh! Can someone please tell me why this is happening (pics below) Pic on the right is top of the branch, one on the left is two internodes below. Temperature in the tent is usually 25degrees but jumped to 30 on Sunday as it was very hot outside. Other than that, I've no idea. Needless to say, I've cut the branch and will vigorously inspect many many times daily.


I haven't found any more male flowers far, I'm now thinking that the same thing (one instance of males at one internode), caused my previous two grows to seed up. Anyhoo, now at the end of week 3 since first pistils showed and have given two doses of PK13/14, 5ml in 6 litres of water/feed, over the past couple of days. I've also turned the Sylstar GL4000 up to 100%, drawing 430w. They look like they have about 4 weeks yet, I'll post more pics when I'm able.
Still feeding with canna coco A+B, Calmag and plant magic bloom boost at EC1.6 - 1.8, runoff varying between 1.2 and 2.0, at different times and days. I use the A+B and Calmag every watering, the plant magic bloom boost two days out of three. I water in the morning and evening (lights on 07:00- 19:00). Light at 100% draws 433w, according to the meter I've got between the plug and the timer. Lux is from 75000 in the centre of the canopy to 58000 at the outer buds. I'm pretty happy with how they're looking now and reckon they've got about 4 weeks which would put them at 10 weeks since 12/12. As always, any comments or questions or advice happily tolerated
Over the past couple of days I've found three small instances of mould! On two different plants so I decided to cut them all. Only a week or so from time anyway and most of the pistils are brown and the trichomes milky. I'll weigh the final result but looks good.
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