virgin grower


New Member
need help i have a plant outdoors and it is strong! when i start my 12/12
how long do i do that for? can you flavor the weed? can one plant be produtive even if not sure pollinated? like i said a virgin?thanks
ok let me help u
this is a grow journal and not a q's and a's area unless u can give us a grow journal ok relax first
give us some pic's and details and we can give u a good idea for u
u prob arent in charge of 12/12 unless u are going to cover at a certain point since ur outdoors
it will do that in a few more weeks
oh and if u can give us a detailed history of ur plant
it is possible to flavor ur weed to a certain degree -1.mix in some flavoring with ur watering water 2. or u can take the harvest and put in a bag with some desired fruit in a seperate container in there too for a lil bit
and for productive do u want seeds or do want bud??? if bud then dont get pollinated
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