Vials or Bags? A legitimacy issue?


New Member
Ello everybody,
In LA, We're said to have somewhere around 1,000 dispensaries, and if your anything lik I am, checking out new ones is always a good time :)
My question here is in regards to legitimacy. I am an advocate, pro cannabis all the way. Of all the "clubs" I went too, only the minority seemed truly Legit! So I asked you fellow members: Do you prefer legitimacy? From the staff down to the packaging of the cannabis. I strongly believe that increased legitimacy makes the industry more powerful and it is up to us to set a standard for what us patients are comfortable with. For example, I HATE when dispensaries put the cannabis into little baggies!! My major issue is that it is hard to justify it as a medicine when it comes packaged looking like some dude in high school just slanged me a sack!
Am I alone here? Do you guys/gals prefer legitimacy in collectives, or do you not really give a rats??
thanks guys.
I agree with Propa Gator. Legitimacy should be related to following the laws, paying taxes, providing a quality product at a fair price. I think things that reduce the overhead (baggies vs. vials) are great if the savings are passed on to the med users.
i keep my bud in jars and if i have a lot then i put it into a ziploc vacuum sealed container. works well, and keeps your buds fresh!
in my experience i never use baggys. if im on the go ill stuff a small pill bottle full and stick it in ma pocket along with my piece. at home. all my bud is in jars.
note to everyone, use pill bottles! they hold alot and fit into your pocket instead of packing it jammed into a little bag :/ but thats my opinion
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