Vege 24/0 and outdoor for flowering?


New Member
Can I put my White Widow in a outdoors conditions after 1 month on grow room?? My garden had a nice and direct sun light at mornings from 6AM until 11AM there is a lot of light and heat believe when I say a LOT.

Question is: That indoor babe gonna have problems with this outdoors conditions? Can I just got back to the groowroom after direct sun over to complete 12 hours of light??

Thank u for awser and good :smokin:!
Can I put my White Widow in a outdoors conditions after 1 month on grow room?? My garden had a nice and direct sun light at mornings from 6AM until 11AM there is a lot of light and heat believe when I say a LOT.

Question is: That indoor babe gonna have problems with this outdoors conditions? Can I just got back to the groowroom after direct sun over to complete 12 hours of light??

Thank u for awser and good :smokin:!

Can you put your plant outside after 1 month in a grow room? Of course you can. What you should be asking is, "What will moving my plant outdoors do to it?" This will spawn all kinds of input regarding light cycles and temps and strains and bugs and so on, which will enrich all of our mental databanks on growing considerably.

So I'm going to pretend you asked that question in regards to what area outside you are considering to move your plant to.

Besides the fact that you're going to have to "harden" your plant off before putting it in direct sunlight (a few days in partial/filtered shade will do), you do not have enough hours of sunlight in that spot--5 hours of direct sunlight per day is just not enough. And you shouldn't be moving your plants around--not only is there the serious consequence of bringing in parasites and contaminants as aforementioned, but the girls really like being "rooted to terra firma," whether in pots or literally in the ground. Some are more sensitive than others, but any one of them can get quite emotional on you just because you moved them once, much less multiple times.

Instead of having to bring her back in every day when the sun is gone from the patch, consider giving her supportive lighting for the hours she lacks, right out there at her new location. (IF you can strategically get away with using grow lights covertly outside) I know it's unconventional, but may be helpful in your situation if you can't give her a good solid day's sunlight. Otherwise it might be better to just keep her indoors.

Good luck! :rollit:
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