Veg inside flower out?


New Member
Im currently in south west fl. I am going to begin my crop in september. I was wondering if it was possible to veg your ladies inside and then move them out into the shortened sunlight and finish flowering there. Is there anything you should do to prepare them for the move? The strains are Northern Lights and Aurora Indica. The temps here are not an issue for a winter grow. Any advice or comments would be appreciated.
Yes you can do that.
I do this every year and in our tropical climate we can actually grow outside all the way up until Christmas or the first hard freeze.
Veg your girls inside and when you want to bloom, transplant to your final size container.
You'll want to acclimate the plants so give them only morning sun and afternoon shade from the high heat. After 3-7 days of acclimation they should be able to take full sun. Mine stay in the sun from dawn until about 3 pm and then they're shaded from the sun
Thank you sir! That really helped. I was planning on starting them in 5 gallon buckets so I wouldn't have to transplant. Do I need to transplant? And on those days we get rains should I put them under shelter? Thanks for the help!
You should be fine with the 5 gallon but if they get real big you may want to jump up to something in the 7 gallon range.
I leave my girls in the rain. They love it but they will need fertilizer in the waterings afterwards because they will have basically been flushed by Mother Nature.
Check out the last few pages of my journal and you'll see plants that are outside now. Those girls were flushed by Hurricane Alex last week and are feeding heavy this week.
good deal. I mean when the buds start forming. i read you don't want to leave em out in the rain because it can cause mold and bud rot.
That all depends really. If the buds are a week or two from harvest go ahead and cover or bring them in.
However, if a rain storm is short like a midnight thunderstorm that we have down here and it's hot and sunny the next day my plants benefit from it with massive swelling in the buds.
If it rains all day and evening for a day or two with overcast gloomy conditions to follow the buds can in fact get moldy. It just really depends on if the moisture can evaporate quickly or not.
Another problem that can come from rain on full buds is it will make them flop over from being too top heavy so you will need to stake them up before the rains come.
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