

New Member
Can one of you guys or girls tell me how well vaporizors actually work. I have read all sorts of stuff about'em and its still not too clear to me. Are these things worth the outrageous cost?! Anyone know from experience?
Yes, a vaporizer is the wise way to go. I have a lot of experience, I only vaporize, and I'm so happy I stopped smoking.

Check out this thread that I've commented on because I don't want to retype things I have already typed
How Do You Know When It's All "Vaped" Out

Hope you see the light! :Namaste:
I've been a pipe and joint smoker for about 40 years ... When I first bought my Vapir NO2 off Ebay for about $90 I didn't use it for six months ... I've been using it now for about 3 months and although I occasionally set fire to weed it's only when I don't have my vape handy. My lungs thank me every day. I am no longer concerned w/ smell because there is none. I can get higher than I want to be w/o my lungs hurting. My wife went from sharing a bowl in the evening to vaping w/ me all day long. This has made her a lot easier to live with. With the NO2 a quanity of weed equalling about a 1/3 joint provides about 10-12 good strong hits. If I can get a quick and easy ABV recipe there will be no waste at all.
Vaporizers are badass, they get you very high and it's different then other ways of smoking, in my experiences.

I have a Volcano and love it, however I am a dabber more now-a-days which is still a form of vaporizing.

If you're a serious Cannabis consumer, it's totally worth the money.
I am a dabber more now-a-days which is still a form of vaporizing.

I respectfully disagee that "dabbing" is the same as vaporizing. The skillet temperature is much higher than 200 C, especially when it is glowing red hot. If you put some oil on the skillet while its hot, and instead of inhaling it, watch the smoke that comes off. You should also see some soot, black soot signifies an abundance of highly stable conjugated double bonds releasing their energy. Even though you don't see a flame or a cherry, your still burning it. The wax is a mixture of products, and to add is not 100% pure. There are many filthy, unwanted compounds whose bonds can be cleaved if this much heat is applied, which is the whole idea of vaporizing - to eliminate any possibility to extract unwanted compounds into the medium.

This observation will not be apparent via vaporization. I wouldn't call skillet hits a mode of extraction, it's a quick oxidation reaction.
Vaporizing doesnt oxidize the hell out of the herbs, they gently extract.
I respectfully disagee that "dabbing" is the same as vaporizing. The skillet temperature is much higher than 200 C, especially when it is glowing red hot. If you put some oil on the skillet while its hot, and instead of inhaling it, watch the smoke that comes off. You should also see some soot, black soot signifies an abundance of highly stable conjugated double bonds releasing their energy. Even though you don't see a flame or a cherry, your still burning it. The wax is a mixture of products, and to add is not 100% pure. There are many filthy, unwanted compounds whose bonds can be cleaved if this much heat is applied, which is the whole idea of vaporizing - to eliminate any possibility to extract unwanted compounds into the medium.

This observation will not be apparent via vaporization. I wouldn't call skillet hits a mode of extraction, it's a quick oxidation reaction.
Vaporizing doesnt oxidize the hell out of the herbs, they gently extract.

It is mal-practice to dab on a glowing red nail, that is terrible.

You wait until it is not glowing and/or use a laser thermometer to determine when to take the hit.
That is a good temperature range for a vaporizing device.

If one could consistently get their skillet to that temperature range ( it would only last seconds due to the heat capacity of the metal ) I would be surprised. It would be hard to do qualitatively over and over again.

Anyways, :peace: mate
Vaporizing is an aquired taste. I like smoking any bud. But, there are strains that I hate to vape from. The high seems to be much crisper and more cerebral. Some strains just feel and/or taste unpleasent when vaped. But, there are other strains that are fantastic out of a vape because you get much more of the natural flavor that you smell while you are growing it.
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