Vaporizing - THC vs Cannabinoids


Does anybody know if Cannabinoids are vaporized as well as THC when vaping?

This is very important, as I believe the healing properties are mostly in Cannabinoids, but am starting to think that they are only utilized when eaten or smoked... do Cannabinoids vaporize or does only THC vaporize?

If someone could do some research on this for an article I am writing, I would highly appreciate it... not only for an article, but for my own knowledge...
Am I getting the full medicinal healing properties by vaping or am i losing some of them?

This is the questions that not only I want to know, but i'm sure the rest of the medical Marijuana community wants to know as well...

Good Question: I have had the Digi Volcano Vape now for a month and love the effects and pleasure derived from 2 bowls before sleeping. I have definately slept much better.
My lungs have also noticable lightness to them as my preference has always been bongs. Recently as well nicely machine rolled, blunt tip filter joints for during the day.
I would like to know this as well, if the CBN's are being activated and if so at the same Temperature: I use currently a 358-361 degree temp depending on strain. A heavy vapor mist hits at 365 degree.
Well I know that cannabinoids do vaporize but some require a higher temperature than THC does. And your right that the cbn's and cbd's play a huge part in the medical use of cannabis like for pain relief. That's why some of us run our temps up while vaporizing. I read a article where aids patients smoked the duff from vaporizers in the middle of the night to release the unvaped cannabinoids. They used it for a sleep aid. There even was a cute term they used to describe the action but I can't remember it.
I'll see if I can find that article for you.
Here's a quote:

"Few vaporizer studies/reviews have really addressed the quality of the vapor extracted and delivered. Most studies/reviews have tended to focus on the mode of usage of the vaporizers and not the quality of the vapor extracted and delivered. When one considers that there are at least 60 pharmacologically-active compounds in cannabis and that the aromatic terpenoids begin to vaporize at 126 °C, but the more bio-active cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabinol (CBN), and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) do not vaporize until near their respective flash points: CBD 206.3 °C[6], CBN 212.7 °C[7], THC 149.3 °C[8] then it becomes apparent that the only way to get a full spectrum vapor inhalation is to extract and deliver rapidly from a small sample at a time. Because most commercial vaporizers are slow in extraction and delivery, the vapor inhaled is first aromatic, but only minimally active; and then as the apparent temperature rises, the vapor becomes increasingly bio-active, but minimally aromatic as most of the aromatics already released."

...from this article:
Vaporizer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
i always thought that vaproizing burns the thc and not 'lumber' ... i know its the best

i dunno ? bump
i dunno either ?
call me a pothead the consensus then that more med qualities are consumed with joints (current preference);) or with a vaporizer (thinking of buying one):smokin:??
Peace n a bump from canmiss
i would imagine a lil bit of the CBNs are being ignited and released. but not to the same degree as burning the entire plant material in conventional smoking. so if your worried about cbns and all around better health from less carcinogens, all together the vaporizer is the way to go.
This is precisely what I want to know as well, because there are health benefits to the other cannabinoids. After doing some research, I cranked up my Vapor Brothers to its highest setting, and frankly, I had the best vape session ever. I would still like to know if I'm getting all the beneficial cannabinoids whilst vaping, because I read that there are antioxidant properties to them. Please clue me in if you have any info whatsoever...I'm new to vaping and I'd love to hear others' stories. So basically I can say, yes, at the higher setting, you are getting more cannabinoids than at a lower setting (which would probably only give you THC).
This is precisely what I want to know as well, because there are health benefits to the other cannabinoids. After doing some research, I cranked up my Vapor Brothers to its highest setting, and frankly, I had the best vape session ever. I would still like to know if I'm getting all the beneficial cannabinoids whilst vaping, because I read that there are antioxidant properties to them. Please clue me in if you have any info whatsoever...I'm new to vaping and I'd love to hear others' stories. So basically I can say, yes, at the higher setting, you are getting more cannabinoids than at a lower setting (which would probably only give you THC).

Individuals probably need to take into consideration what they are needing, with regards to physical and mental relief. There are also negative impacts to the higher temperature vaporization products being generated in most of the common electric vaporization systems. There is a range going up to 350-360F that still releases a lot of the mental and physically active components without incurring much of a problem with CO or any of the low-temp tars and oils. (if you're still looking for the higher temp. cannabinoids, soak your dregs in some everclear -whipful per shot- and drink a good strong, caffeine-free, tea-toddy, with two cubes and some cream). :)
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