Urgent curing help needed!


New Member
I just harvested my three plants (three, two and one days ago, respectively) and the first one is in jars, and a few of the smaller nugs of the second plant. They are hanging/were hung in a closet at 70 degrees and approx 55% humidity. My problem is that I'm leaving for a week the day after tomorrow and I have nobody that can come open the jars for me. Is there anything I can do? Can I just leave them not screwed on all the way? I assume if I leave them sealed they will just mold. Please help!!
If you come back and it's too dry . Throw some fresh cannabis leafs in to the jars put moisture back into the buds

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I would leave them in the jars with the lids off in a card-broad box or brown paper bag if I felt there was still to much water in them before I left.
Have you heard of boveda bags? Can get them at dispensaries and music supply places... they are 2 way humidity controllers I think intended for keeping guitars at the right humidity, but they work wonders for weed.. good luck
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