Uranium in Glass pieces


New Member
sooo i just a buddy of mines bowl that had uranium in it that makes it glow in the dark...

is uranium even legal?

and has anyone else heard or seen this?

i got sum more info but i wanna see sum of the responses before i share.
its not uranium that make your bowl glow in the dark, its a special pigment that glows. beside if there was uranium in your pipe you would get cancer from all that radiation.
I've seen people with pipes they said had depleted uranium in them. They didn't glow in the dark. Doesn't sound like a good thing to me if its true, especially for the glass maker. Why would anyone want it is what I wanna know.
Sorry GreenMonkey, but Uranium can very well makes a piece glow. Glass blowers have been adding Uranium Dioxide (Uranium Salt) to glass for centuries because it gives the glass a really cool yellow/green color. And, it does glow under UV light (and in the dark if exposed to a light long enough to absorb a good ammount of UV).

Most glow in the dark glass has Manganese added, rather than the Uranium Dioxide. But UD pieces do exist.

As far as health issues, UD DOES in fact emit radiation. It is radioactive. It will register on a geiger counter if tested. The emission is very very low, but I'm sure the conditions we put our glass under increase the radiation rate. We constantly clean, polish, and burn our glass. This causes heightened emission.

Does it look cool? Yes. Does it make for a cool story? Yes. Do I recommend it? No.
One Three said:
Sorry GreenMonkey, but Uranium can very well makes a piece glow. Glass blowers have been adding Uranium Dioxide (Uranium Salt) to glass for centuries because it gives the glass a really cool yellow/green color. And, it does glow under UV light (and in the dark if exposed to a light long enough to absorb a good ammount of UV).

Most glow in the dark glass has Manganese added, rather than the Uranium Dioxide. But UD pieces do exist.

As far as health issues, UD DOES in fact emit radiation. It is radioactive. It will register on a geiger counter if tested. The emission is very very low, but I'm sure the conditions we put our glass under increase the radiation rate. We constantly clean, polish, and burn our glass. This causes heightened emission.

Does it look cool? Yes. Does it make for a cool story? Yes. Do I recommend it? No.

well put!

thats pretty much what i was gonna say, i used to work with one of the top glass blowers in the southeast, and he told me all about it but he never showed me a peice with sum in it.
bzird said:
I'm not saying that you are false, but whomever said they had depleted uranium in their pipes is completely mistaken. ......
Yep, thats what I told them at the time. Its probably what the person who sold them the pipe told them and they liked the story. But I told them it was bullshit at the time. And I know about what the dark forces are doing with it. I just got up and don't wanna start the day upset so I'll not even get into that stuff. But yeah, its as bad as it gets.
lol thanks folks. I have a masters in quantum physics, but not chemistry. I have this terrible habit of reading medical journals in my spare time, and you pick up a lot of information.

I'm no genius, I just know a lot of useless stuff. ;)
I want one.
I like the story too, if its a cool looking pipe, hits well, and is clean, I don't really care if people thinks its radioactive. New myths pop up all the time because people bullshit or are just misinformed.
akornpatch said:
Now that's a conspiracy theory if I ever heard one. LMAO

Are you referring to the Depleted Uranium? Sorry buddy, it's truth. Period.

The United Nations Commission on Human Rights launched an investigation into DU weapons not too long ago, and in the end they ended up classing DU weapons in the same class as Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear warfare.

Someone hinted on the Half Life of DU, let me clarify. The time it takes for DU to "go away" is 4.5 billion years. The Shells from DU rounds release what we call "ceramic aerosols" into the air and soil that are highly radioactive, these aerosols last the entire 4.5 billion years. Causing problems left and right.

The UK is finally starting to make progress on the issue. The Ministry of De fence launched their own investigation on 53,462 servicemen who were exposed to DU in one way or another during the Gulf War. There were over 400 cases of various forms of cancer, suicides, and a lot of "unknowns".

Italy, Germany, Portugal, and Norway are all launching investigations into DU effects on Soldiers. All countries have found abnormal rates of cancer.

The U.S. still insists that DU is perfectly safe, but numerous memos have been declassified in which the scientists say that DU poses a health risk.
Your joking?^

Sorry to say this but its a myth, its been around for a long while now but I got the truth from some people who own smoke and head shops.
The U.S. still insists that DU is perfectly safe, but numerous memos have been declassified in which the scientists say that DU poses a health risk.

That sounds about par for the course... I suppose what they "really" mean is that U.S. depleted uranium is perfectly safe. Everyone else's is probably on their incredibly dangerous list. Especially Iran's and Korea's.
One Three said:
Are you referring to the Depleted Uranium? Sorry buddy, it's truth. Period.

The United Nations Commission on Human Rights launched an investigation into DU weapons not too long ago, and in the end they ended up classing DU weapons in the same class as Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear warfare.

Someone hinted on the Half Life of DU, let me clarify. The time it takes for DU to "go away" is 4.5 billion years. The Shells from DU rounds release what we call "ceramic aerosols" into the air and soil that are highly radioactive, these aerosols last the entire 4.5 billion years. Causing problems left and right.

The UK is finally starting to make progress on the issue. The Ministry of De fence launched their own investigation on 53,462 servicemen who were exposed to DU in one way or another during the Gulf War. There were over 400 cases of various forms of cancer, suicides, and a lot of "unknowns".

Italy, Germany, Portugal, and Norway are all launching investigations into DU effects on Soldiers. All countries have found abnormal rates of cancer.

The U.S. still insists that DU is perfectly safe, but numerous memos have been declassified in which the scientists say that DU poses a health risk.

I believe he was referring to the intial thread post.
Eh whatever, it's still good information. ;)

As far as finding out if your glass is radioactive, you would have to buy a geiger counter. You can build your own for about 50 bucks but I wouldn't recommend it unless you have are at least an amateur electrician (though there are some "kits" out there that seem pretty solid).

But I wouldn't sweat it. Uranium Salt Glass is rare for head glass. Quite common in fine glassware (lot's of vases, sculpture, even plates and glasses), but not so in pipes and bongs and stuff.
its not uranium that make your bowl glow in the dark, its a special pigment that glows. beside if there was uranium in your pipe you would get cancer from all that radiation.
Lmao 😂 false information but is what it is. Most uranium glass products are safe. Like I said most. There may be some hat are bad to have but the amount in most is so small it don’t matter you get more radiation from your microwave
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