Understanding ph and ppm readings


New Member
What does it mean if both PH and ppm goes up at the same time? My understanding is that if ppm goes up the plants are drinking more than they are eating and thus the nutes are too strong. Is this correct? If nutes are acidic and water is basic, then theoretically if water is being taken up more than the nutes are then shouldnt ph go down as there is more acidic matter left in the equilibrium? I'm looking for sound information on how to properly read into what the plants are telling me based on readings such as ph consitantly going up and consistanly having to down it.
Think of them as two separate entities. For example, my grow has a rising PH problem in beginning. It was more than likely the waterfarm causing the rise as PPM didn't effect it much. I've never seen more consumption and then all of a sudden PH is affected by it. And if the plant is young, PH will feel like a contant battle. Just fix once a day and when they get big it'll be a lot easier due to PH buffers in nutes. And if I were to suggest anything, feed your plants based off of PPM and nothing else......they will tell you what they want.
You have to be careful in interpreting what a falling ph can mean as well as PPM going up or down.

The most common reason for the ph lowering when PPM stays the same or increases is that the nutrient solution is to strong.

A healthy system with healthy plants will cause a rise in PH and a steady decline in PPM levels.

The other causes for constant ph problems is a out break of bacteria.

Ammoniacal Nitrogen which is a form of nitrogen that requires bacteria (nitrifying) to convert it to nitrate nitrogen which the plants can use. This is probably the most common cause for a bacteria outbreak if conditions are right. This will translate into ph issues that will lead to nutrient uptake issues eventually if left un noticed.

The most common confusing with EC/PPM comes from the "conversion" factor. Common mistake is to use the wrong factor. In the USA .5 x500 is used and in Europe .7 x700 conversion factor is used.

The main thing you need to know is which conversion factor the meter your using to measure PPM with is based on .5 or .7 conversion.
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