Under ViparSpectra XS2000+ x2 V450 For 20 Weeks From Seed To Harvest!


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Under XS2000+ (x2 )V450 for 20 weeks from seed to harvest!

After hang drying for 8 days, the buds are finally all trimmed and in jars for curing.
TOTAL: 280g dry weight
Final dry weight:
-Plant #1 (front-left): 57g
-Plant #2 (back-left): 44g
-Plant #3 (center): 63g
-Plant #4 (back-right): 53g
-Plant #5 (front-right): 63g
1-flo2 ekk.jpg
Amazing. Love the plants structure.

So how many watts in total these suns produce? :cool: ViparSpectra getting more popular in EU markets, which is great to see!
The prices compete with other top QB’s tho so Vipar lamps aren’t the cheapest choice. Sadly.
640 watt i think cant lie i would be a little upset with 280g.
Sorry :thumb:
640w/280g would be then ~0.43g/w. So ye that aint the best result. But fortunately nonetheless every product description promises at least like 1-2g/w. :popcorn:

In this case IMO the plants structure (much vertical growth) already inhibits the yield dramatically. And the plants being lollipopped pretty heavy handed.
Not sure if the main goal here has been to produce much as possible(?)
By judging the plants structure and how stretchy they’re, I’d guess there has been tested like max distances and dimming for ”each phase”. Like 101run the lamps by the books.
640w/280g would be then ~0.43g/w. So ye that aint the best result. But fortunately nonetheless every product description promises at least like 1-2g/w. :popcorn:

In this case IMO the plants structure (much vertical growth) already inhibits the yield dramatically. And the plants being lollipopped pretty heavy handed.
Not sure if the main goal here has been to produce much as possible(?)
By judging the plants structure and how stretchy they’re, I’d guess there has been tested like max distances and dimming for ”each phase”. Like 101run the lamps by the books.
May I know how much do you usually get from our lights? @Verbalist @Skunksta
Never got less than 1.3 gram per watt with your lights.
Here is the one i have hanging.
This one grown with a xs2000 at 50%
I expect over 1g per watt.
Rough guess until its down on friday ish.
160/180g from 120 watt
Only reason the light was at 50% how close it was to this lady.
Next time i have 2m height so wont be an issue.


May I know how much do you usually get from our lights? @Verbalist @Skunksta
Hello there :ciao:

Unfortunately I’ve never had a chance to grow under ViparSpectra lamps due their availability and prices in EU markets. I have drooled for XS2000 for a while now tho.
Newest XS serie lamps seem to be top quality as theyve Samsung chips and Mean Well driver outputs the maximum wattage promised.

I’ve been growing the past year in small spaces. My tent is 2x3x5 (60x90x140cm) and been using 150W Mars LED. The yields I have harvested is about 70-180 g dry product per plant. Average would be then close to 0.75-1g/watt with 150W budget lamp.
150W isn’t generally enough for that sized tent, but on the other hand the tent does not support much larger lamp due to lack of the space. And thats why XS2000 would be my choice as the light would cover the whole tent within ease and and because of its smaller size. :ganjamon:

So this was the latest harvest and the best yield of a single plant:
Purple Punch auto in 15L DWC bucket. 32" width canopy and ~30" tall.
Due to the dense canopy and low light penetration got 45grams total in larf buds.
She was grown from start to finish under a 150W LED, and I believe that I could have yielded even better than 1.2g/watt with little better lighting.

- Verb
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