UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GSC

Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

* sigh * Some days, huh? Stay vigilant, as I know you will. We're pulling for you.

Just another day in the neighborhood. It'll take more than a few little critters to get UncleC's underwear in a knot.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Ganja Garden Update

The baby girlz are now moving into week 6 of veg and everything is pretty much going as planned.

Earlier this week I pruned them all back again. They are now set for 8 colas each and should have some new sets of arms here within the next week or so.

I like to bonsai train my girls beginning about this time but I find that it is difficult to do when the girlz are in 1 gal pots. The 1 gal pots are not wide enough to allow enough space to let the girlz spread their wings out and tie them down properly.
So today I went ahead and bumped them up into 3 gal pots. This will allow ample room to begin snatching their new arms down and also provide enough space for the roots to begin spreading out as well.

In case some of you didn't know, UncleCannabis is a "Root Man". Yep......I just love me a healthy root ball! I guess it would be more correct to say that I prefer my girlz "well proportioned".
It is my belief that a healthy root system is key to making the magic happen above the soil line. Having an unbalanced plant that has lots of green up top but a weak root system down below is similar to "that guy" at the gym that's all arms and chest but walks around on bird legs. You know the guy that I'm talking about.... Apologies if you're that guy. No offence, just an analogy man.... :)

Here are a few pics of the girls chilling out in their new green sun dresses.

LA Chocolat (DNA Genetics)


LSD (Barneys Farm)



Girl Scout Cookies #2 (BC Bud Depot)



Jack Herer #3 (Greenhouse Seed Co.)


And here are a couple of pics of some cuttings that were taken during one of the early amputation sessions.
They are now rooted and beginning to get frisky so I went ahead and gave them their first amputation. Their new sets of arms are now emerging nicely. :)

Vanilla Kush and Jack Herer #3

LA Chocolat

Assuming that I'm able to keep the white flies at bay next door it will likely be around 5 or 6 more weeks before space starts becoming available in the Ganja Grove next door. While waiting for the big girlz to finish up I'll be giving these teeny boppers frequent bonsai sessions and focus on getting them prepared to be kicked out of the Ganja Garden and blossom into adulthood over in the Grove.

Until next time, happy gardening folks!
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Nice bushy little things UncleCannabis. They'll provide you with hours of fun. I love the thrill you guys all get from tying the girls down. LOL!
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Nice bushy little things UncleCannabis. They'll provide you with hours of fun. I love the thrill you guys all get from tying the girls down. LOL!

Bushy...?? These baby girls are like amputated skeletons. If it weren't for the few side shoots that I've left for cuttings later on, each of these girls (VK not included) would have a total of 8 leaves per plant. LOL!

Every time they start getting some momentum going UncleC comes along with his pruning scissors for another amputation session. I'm not sure if they hate me, fear me, or both but I can assure you that I'm on the very top of their shit list these days.
If they could talk I'm sure that they would be yelling obscenities at me that could not be repeated here without the moderators stepping in and calling foul.

By the way, I get no thrills from the amputations or S&M sessions. In fact, it really breaks my heart to hold them back like this. They're just trying to do what Mother Nature intended but UncleC keeps tripping them up.
Before I begin every session I whisper to them softly......."Sweetie, this is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you". Then I turn down the lights a bit, put on some Barry White tunes, then break out the pruning scissors and tie down wire.
Cheap thrills...?? Maybe so...... ;)
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Nice dressed girls there ;)

Thanks Ganjazz. I'll tell them you like their new wardrobes. :thumb:
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Looking good UncleC

Looking forward to seeing how you tie down your girls ;)

Thanks Celt. Don't be expecting anything fancy. I'll just be keeping their new arms pulled down low while they grow outward instead of upward. :reading420magazine:
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Hey there Addo,
I just took a peek at your journal to check into the details of your root rot dilemma. To be honest bro, I've never grown MJ with hydro methods nor have I ever used any bottled nutrients. Because of my lack of experience with hydro I'm sure there are others who would be much more qualified to help troubleshoot your problem and get you back on track. That being said here's my 2 cents.
Make sure that your DWC is light proof to prevent algae from building up.
Consider implementing some type of algae preventive measures such as adding an algaecide or some pond tablets to your reservoir.
Check to make sure that the circulation rate for your nutrient solution is adequate and that the holes in your planting tubs are not being plugged up with roots thereby limiting water circulation through the roots.

Regarding your soil question, I have never used FFOF but from what I've read here on 420mag most folks seem to like it and get good results using it.
I would suggest keeping a close eye out for any deficiencies along the way and doing your best to address them as soon as they would become noticeable.
Going from seed all the way through to harvest (indoor potted plants) without adding any teas or amendments will likely result in deficiencies before you reach the finish line which would reduce yield and possibly cause other problems. Pest just love weak plants...
Now if you transplant up into fresh soil shortly before flip and assuming that you'll be running a variety that ripens in 10 weeks or less then you may be able make it through to harvest without any additives along the way. Just remember that unlike hydro, it takes longer for deficiencies to become noticeable in plants that are grown in soil and it also takes longer for any adjustments to take effect.

For the record, my plan to try to get this current crop to harvest without any additives is only meant as an experiment on my part. If I notice any deficiencies along the way I'll be ready to act on it. It should also be noted that I transplanted up into amended soil the same day that they were moved into the flowering tent.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

well I didn't meant that I was going to run them for the whole term with nutrients I just meant that FFOF comes pre loaded with enough nutrients for like a month or something. I was just going to let them run their coarse until that base nutrient supply runs out. Algae is easy to control, drip holes are not considering they can happen during light out and cause problems. Good suggestions none the less, and yea hydro is something else there is no buffer like soil. So once your pH goes nuts its a bad day. Do you mainline all of your ladies to 8 and how long do you let them veg out after?
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Apologies if I misunderstood your question.
I've read that lots of folks are able to run a full cycle from seed to harvest without any additives using Subcool's supersoil recipe. I've never tried this but I don't see why it could not be done. But there are some factors to consider.

Use as large a pot as practical for your grow environment.
A large pot equals increased soil volume equals more nutrients being available for a longer duration. Think of the pot as a fuel tank. A large fuel tank will allow you to travel a further distance than a small fuel tank would.

Select strains that would have a flowering time of 10 weeks or less.
If you try to grow a sativa with a 16 week or more flower time w/o adding any fertilizers during the cycle I would think that some deficiencies (most likely nitrogen but possibly other macro or micro nutrients as well) would show up before harvest time would roll around.

Try to select strains that are not known to be heavy feeders if possible.

If you change your mind and decide to add some amendments to the FFOF mix before potting your girls be careful not to add too much phosphorus as an overabundance of P will lock out other essential elements and cause big problems for you.
Not knowing what ingredients or quantities of ingredients go into the FFOF mix it would be best to not include any P additives with your mix. Instead it would be better to plan for light P topdressings or teas during bloom (if needed) rather than risk locking out essential elements right at the starting line.

In my opinion 4, 8, or 16 tops all work well but it would be dependent on the pot size used, MJ strain, grow space size, light spread, etc.
My last batch of girls were topped and trained for 16 colas with the exception of the Jack Herer which was pruned for 8 tops. The reason for going with 8 instead of 16 on the JH was because this variety/phenotype had a very indica like growth pattern and she did not respond well to the pruning sessions.

The girls that are in the Ganja Grove now are all clones that were pruned early for 4 tops. They then were left unattended for a month without any pruning or training so the 4 branches grew strait upward. They were then potted up, pruned back to double the branches to 8, tied down, and the lighting schedule was changed to 13/11. The Girl Scout Cookies did not like this pre-bloom stress very much and let me know it by not growing very much during the stretch. Yield will suffer because of this.
The Soviet Ripper and Amnesia took it in stride w/o a problem.
I would not recommend that you do something like this.
It would be best that you give your girls at least 1 to 2 weeks or more to recover from transplant and/or main branch pruning before changing over from veg to flower.

As to your question about veg time, I veg until the girls let me know they are ready based on whatever plan I may have for them. I'm not one to try to rush anything when it comes to gardening. I'm not a cash cropper so I don't look at veg as some kind of a race to get them in bloom as soon as possible.

I can tell you that with the exception of a long flowering sativa I would not put a plant into flower until at least 60 days after seed sprout. It seems to me that about 60 to 70 days seems to be the sweet spot for my final plant size preference. If someday I decide to grow a big girl I would then veg longer.
I thinks it's always best to let them show pre flowers first that way you know they are mature enough and hormonally ready to go into bloom.

Sorry for the rant but I hope that this answered your question.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

I have been considering mainlining again, however like you my blueberry didn't take to well to it. So we had some Hermie issues. But I was aware this would most likely happen regardless. I'm trying to keep a clone alive as a mother plant from each strain that I grow, so it just keeps maturing. I too do not cash crop, if I could legally I would but my grow space isn't practical enough to pull a pound every grow with a 3x5 lol. It might be but I've got a long way to go. I'm trying to find that solid producing pheno to keep around. Hopefully one of these 2 PC's meets that need. I agree with the recovery time for topping or serious training but I like to give them a month to rebuild all floral hormones. Id hate for them to be at a disadvantage. I need a prize winning plant so I can win a canna butter maker. lol. Thank you for taking the time to respond in full.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

That was some darned good information packed into these last two pages UncleCannabis. Well done. :bravo:
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Been a minute boss man hope all is well. Stepped outside and found a huge leaf from a local species completely yellow with the rest of this headge green as can be. So without touching it I look at the under belly. Low and behold a fu man chu beard like UncleC's. I was like WTF did he leave his beard here? It was spider mites and they have built a good 1 inch thick worth of their web on this single leaf. I ran away. Hope the neem is killing mites and taking names.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Been a minute boss man hope all is well. Stepped outside and found a huge leaf from a local species completely yellow with the rest of this headge green as can be. So without touching it I look at the under belly. Low and behold a fu man chu beard like UncleC's. I was like WTF did he leave his beard here? It was spider mites and they have built a good 1 inch thick worth of their web on this single leaf. I ran away. Hope the neem is killing mites and taking names.

Hey there Addo. So do you mean to tell me that those little juvenile delinquents have now moved into your neighborhood and are sneaking around wearing an UncleC disguise?
I wish you would have taken your lighter to that yellowed leaf along harboring their fu man chu beard cave and burnt those little bastards to a crisp. I'm normally not a violent person but....extreme circumstances sometimes call for extreme measures.

As far as I can tell the neem/soap treatments have stomped a mud hole in their war plan and the neighborhood is quiet again for the moment. I'm not 100% sure that they're gone, in fact I'm about 90% certain that some will be back but if I can make another 4 to 6 weeks without them attacking in full force the girls should be ok. Only time will tell......
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

That was some darned good information packed into these last two pages UncleCannabis. Well done. :bravo:

Thanks Sue. It's good to hear that some of my mindless keyboard rants that take place between bong hits and coffee sips are somehow being consider as "darned good information" to you.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Vegetable Garden Update - Week 6 of Veg

Hey there 420 friends. I've been away for the past few days but am now back and just in time for a weekly update. :)

When I returned home from my trip I was greeted with what appeared to be a fake smile by all of the youngsters in the veg garden.
I think they were really enjoying their "alone time" then along comes UncleC spoiling the fun. They seemed to know that it wouldn't be long before I would pull them out of the garden one by one and tighten up on the twist ties.

But the good news is that they are looking healthy with no apparent problems and no mites or white flies. Yep, no news is always good news folks and I just love me some no news.

Room temp: Room AC is set 68 degrees
Tent Temps: @ 74 day / 67 night
RH: @ 55 to 65%
Lights: 3 x 70 watt MH's

Here's are some pics taken this morning. Rise and shine GirlZ!! UncleCannabis is back and he's packing his camera again. :)



Jack Herer #3 (Pruned for 8 Tops)

LA Chocolat (Pruned for 8 Tops)

Girl Scout Cookies #2 (Pruned for 8 Tops)

LSD (Pruned for 16 Tops)

Vanilla Kush (Have not counted how many times she's been amputated.)


Up until this point I've been doing my best to slow down the veg.
In order to do this I've been:
1. Limiting the amount of light they receive.
2. While bonsai training them I've been waiting until branches have several nodes before pruning back.
3. Twisting and pinching and twisting and pinching to slow down branch growth.
4. Withholding any form of topdressings or teas.

Space should start becoming available in the grove for them within about 4 weeks so I think it's time to take the gloves off. Moving forward I plan to now begin giving them sunnier days and start feeding them a well balanced diet like strong and healthy teenagers should be fed.
They can't be hanging out here forever. It's time for them to get a move on. UncleC's got a bitchin' seed order on the way. :)

Here are a few pics of some clones that are riding shotgun in the veg garden.

LA Chocolat

Vanilla Kush

Jack Herer #3

After the last update there seemed to be some interest in what I'll be doing in terms of bonsai training or LST or whatever it's called so I'll be posting a few close up pics and do my best to explain what's going on under the hood.

In the meantime I'll also be doing an update on the Ganja Garden next door after a well deserved smoke break and a morning snack so stay tuned.

It's good to be back home! :)
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

I forgot to mention that there's an upgrade coming for both the Veg Garden and the Ganja Grove soon.
There should be a delivery guy knocking on my door in a few days time with 2 each 144 x 5 watt and 2 each 96 x 5 watt Mars Reflector LED lights. UncleCannabis may have to break out the sunscreen soon. :icon_cool

On another note, while bored in the hotel one evening I finally placed an order for my "wish list" seeds. It will probably take about a month before I receive my parcel so while I wait I'll be playing rock, paper, scissors with myself trying to decide which strains get popped first.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

I forgot to mention that there's an upgrade coming for both the Veg Garden and the Ganja Grove soon.
There should be a delivery guy knocking on my door in a few days time with 2 each 144 x 5 watt and 2 each 96 x 5 watt Mars Reflector LED lights. UncleCannabis may have to break out the sunscreen soon. :icon_cool

On another note, while bored in the hotel one evening I finally placed an order for my "wish list" seeds. It will probably take about a month before I receive my parcel so while I wait I'll be playing rock, paper, scissors with myself trying to decide which strains get popped first.

Nice, the reflector 5 watters are good choice, :smokin:
(96 X 5W) on wishlist :)

One month for seeds, thats a long wait, what strains you ordered?

Your ladies looking :thumb:
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