Ultraviolet light question


New Member
ive just had lasik eye surgery about a month ago and my eyes still hurt like hell. what kind of uv light does my hps, mh, and floresants give off. After thinking about it i think i may be damageing my eyes working around these lights,

MH will have a little better balance in the UV-a & b spectrum vs HPS, which will have some, just not as much. Neither will have very much UV-c, if any at all. I'm not familiar with flouro's but can't imagine they much of any.

I doubt they are damaging your eyes unless you are staring directly into them, over time. Just my opinion though, not a dr. Best!
I wouldn't spend much time under an unshielded (lensed) MH without a good set of polarized/uv-blocking sunglasses. And that's without having had recent eye surgery.

Other than that I would take steps to ensure that I didn't end up looking at a lit bulb lol. And that includes right after they're fired and not visibly as bright as when warmed up. Your light isn't as bright at that point but maybe your pupils aren't quite pinpricked yet either and are letting a higher percentage of what light/radiation is being produced in.

But that's me.
ive just had lasik eye surgery about a month ago and my eyes still hurt like hell. what kind of uv light does my hps, mh, and floresants give off. After thinking about it i think i may be damageing my eyes working around these lights,


The hps and mh lights are for sure not good for your eyes. A lot of sunglasses block all UV but you might want to think about switching off the big guns when you have to spend time with your girls. The flouros won't hurt so you could leave them on then you can see what you're doing.

Take care of your peepers.
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