UK Newbie :)


New Member
Hi all,

Found this place whilst looking for info about changing from HPS to LED.

Hoping to buy some 300W LED panels and have been posting here Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Thanks KJC etc who have already been helping and advising me :)

Are the mars-hydro LED panels the best value 300w LED panels? as i am limited by budget but want the best product that i can afford.

Welcome to the site Boomer!! I don't use LED so its hard for me to suggest one over another to you, but I have heard great things about Mars LED lighting. If you stick to the 420 Sponsors, you can't go wrong. They have all been tested and reviewed here on 420Mag.

I have some links and video guides in my signature that may be of use to you and your journey here at 420Mag. Glad you decided to join up!! If you have a grow going, be sure and start a journal so others can tag along and offer assistance if needed.

:thumb: :welcome:
:welcome: Boomer76 to the number 1 site on the web for cannabis awareness!
Hope all is well in your world.
If you intend to grow, I recommend starting a grow journal so our most experienced growers can find and assist you!
Here are some links that may be of assistance to you:

New Member Start Links
Frequently Asked Questions
How to Grow Marijuana - Everything You Need to Know
How to Resize, Upload, & Post Photos

There are other links below in my signature that you may also find useful.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
We are truly grateful that you have joined us!
Greenest Regards,

Thanks all i am not the most experienced "gardener" in the world but have done a few grows and had some good results before. So hoping my new setup plus info from you knowledgeable people will make it even better.

Just gotta get the best deal on the things i need as working to a tight budget as i am currently unemployed so using up the last of my saving upgrading my grow space.
There are so many sub forums on here am not sure where to look or ask exactly but i am looking to find out what strains may help me best.

We do not have medical marijuana in the UK but as a long time sufferer of a bad lower back (herniated disc) and now upper back i have been using marijuana for many years to aid in pain relief etc.

I am also now suffering with insomnia quite badly and the prescribed sleeping tablets i was given dont help so i would also like to know if any strains can help with that too.

Has any strains been known to help with these issues better than others?

You'll want indica dominant strains for sleep. I think there's a thread for dosing rick simpson oil, and they can probably help you figure out which strains will help with which pain
Thanks for the info i will do some research and see what i can get hold of before starting my grow
Couple of quick questions :first in regards to growing how do you tell the best time to switch from veg lighting schedule to the flowering one?

And does anyone have any recommendations of places to buy seeds from (feminised ones preferably) that post to the UK?
If you are switching light cycles then we are talking photoperiod plants, and you can switch whenever you prefer really. Some people will switch at 3 weeks, some at 3 months. It's all up to you and how big you want your final plant to be. Once you switch you can expect the plant to stretch 2-3 times its height depending on strain genetics.

Check out some of the 420 Mag Sponsors. They all have great reputations and reviews and most offer very discreet shipping options.
Hey Peeps,

Just recieved my new LED grow panels and the rest of the kit for my new grow space is on the way too so shouldnt be long till i can get some seeds on the go :)

Quick question if people use auto seeds what light schedule do the use for the whole veg and flower period?
Quick question if people use auto seeds what light schedule do the use for the whole veg and flower period?

You can use any light cycle you want with auto's throughout then entire grow and they will do their thing regardless of lighting.
You can use any light cycle you want with auto's throughout then entire grow and they will do their thing regardless of lighting.

Thanks for that :)

So would more light be best? eg 20-4 rather than say 18-6?

Also in regards to nutrients i have Bloom and Grow formulas so with the Auto plants how do i know when to swap from the grow nutes to the bloom formula? and should i flush the plant when swapping over?
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