Uh Oh I think I over watered? Look!


New Member
Hey guys,

I watered the soil good on all my pots and I think I over did it on this one, unless that looks like it could be something else? Is it too late to save it?? Thanks everyone, I'm still new!
It may come back to life. It looks like it was shocked during transplant or something. The tops of your other plants look decent and green, that is a great sign. Make sure the PH of your water is good, otherwise your plants will not absorb nutrients/fertilizer. They look a little pale green to me, I think they are not absorbing nitrogen well. You can pick up the pot and if it is heavy you don't need to water. if it is light then it is time to water.
I've never seen a plant melt like that from over watering. I suspect you issue lies elsewhere... perhaps in your recent xplant.
What kind of soil? How was the soil treated before xplant?
A lot of soil comes out of the bag too hot. You have to water it and rinse out any built up nutrients. Fox Farms mediums need this.
If it looked like MG soil, I'd have that discussion with you... but your soil looks like a nicely thinned out mix.
What is wrong with plant on the right side? That is the most common problem i have seen on internet - yellow tips around the leaf and green veins.

I had that too with my previews grow i did not had chance to finish, but it was a copy of your problem and was getting worse over the time.

In my current grow, i had it after three weeks. Then i stopped using water purification filter and lowered PH of my water by adding peat moss (tester is on the way, so i figured it was too high since we had new water pipes and central installed in our village).

So far so good. Let the tap water sit for 24H to evaporate chemicals and then use it. Maybe that will help you too.

As for the plant on left - let it go, even if it recovers growing damaged plants indoors is a waste of space, time and money.

It's not over watering, but watch out for that at all times. Water only when completely dry as deep as you can stick your finger.
Either what Tead said with a transplant problem, or it got lockout and the stress overwhelmed it. Your plant on the right looks locked out to me as well. Nitro deficient with dead spots on leaves. Might want to double check and then triple check your pH as will will effect what nutes can be absorbed.

hmmm.. 6 isn't that far off... 6.5 is the magic number for soil. pH up (usually Potassium Hydroxide / Potassium Carbonate) will help to raise the pH of your water and/or nutrient solution. If you can't afford that you can use dolomite lime to raise the pH as well.

I wouldn't imagine that a pH of 6.0 would have done that to your plant. I have to think that it was just stressed to the point of no return.
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