Uh oh i think i made a booboo


New Member
during the 4th week of flower i decided to do some lst.. while squeezing the branch it cracked right in the middle on both sides.. my question is is it going to make it without going hermie? or should i just cut it off below the split? i never had this happen before so any info would be helpful. the branch still looks healthy 4 hours later and is standing firm still. thanks
just add some kind of support-- like a splint or tape to the area if it can't stand on its own, I don't see why it'd herm on ya... just a branch on the mend, being as its still attached to the plant...
Yeh Livenburn right it'l be fine.

Some people snap all the tops on their main colas 2 week into flower so that the plant throws all its power to the breaks and apparently leaving the break as a big nute ball taking the cola through flowering. I have seen this done but never done it myself so not saying do this but your girl will be fine if she still standing.
...Some people snap all the tops on their main colas 2 week into flower so that the plant throws all its power to the breaks and apparently leaving the break as a big nute ball taking the cola through flowering...

That was me a couple days ago... tho I did it mainly for height restrictions-- I try to bend em' to work angles under/around the light & some tend to snap when being aggressive w/ LST... 3 weeks after 12/12, after the stretch & into pre-flower is the latest I have super cropped... on purpose
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