Ugh - Heater light at week 5!


Active Member
Hi - just noticed that the little heater in my growroom has a small red light on it. Blooming at week 5 and all looks more or less ok. Should I expect any problems?
Some folks tape them off but IMHO Hermies more a genetic issue than something that small, as otherwise the "light of the moon" during a full moon would screw with outdoor plants.
I've defintely had hermies appear in direct relation to the times I accidentally left red indicator lights uncovered. The sensitivity of different strains to light leaks like that varies. Red is the worst colour though- and an indicator light is definitely not too small for plants to 'see'. It's happened enough times that I don't mess around - I just cover them up.
Man, all the times i have switched on the light in the growroom i should i have had a ton of seeds.... :) Never got a seed or hermie.

My better half have the tendency to tape over standby lights on every little electronics we got. Even if its not in the bedroom. :)
Yeah you'll always find these radically different experiences when this subject comes up. I don't think there's necessarily a 'right or wrong' in this case. Experiences vary. Some strains will hermie at the drop of a hat, some are way more resistant. I've just seen the direct link between light leaks and nanners so many times over the last 15 years that I always take the extra 4 seconds to cover up those lights, make sure the door is sealed, etc.
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