Trying to identify these bugs - our expert is stumped


420 Member
Hey all, hoping someone can help identify these bugs that have been showing up underneath my rockwool grow cubes.. spoken with a professional pest management expert with 15 years experience and he says he isn't sure what they are 🤦🏻‍♂️ anyone here recognize them?
Thank you in advance for any leads! 🙏🏻


😂 sorry they were struggling to upload. Got them on the post now
we need a pic unless they are psychic ...
if they are psychic we need another expert. :cheesygrinsmiley:
without any scale to refer to I am uncertain but they sure look like termites to me. how long are they? if they are termites, ya need a new exterminator... :lot-o-toke:
color is right for termite. heads kinda look different. sorta think the exterminator would recognize a termite.
whatever they are it can't be something you want.

They look like Willowsia nigromaculata

Some are called "Springtails".

Type the name into google and check the images. :)

think i'm leaning more to this. they'd be much more attracted to the type of environment than a termite would.
good call.
They look like Willowsia nigromaculata

Some are called "Springtails".

Type the name into google and check the images. :)

I like Becca's answer of termites too, but I can't really tell from blowing the pics up if there are pincers on the front. I can make out the antennae.

Could very well be a variety of springtail! I'm gonna try to get a closer look and see if I can spot the "furcula" they use to jump for verification.
Thank you so much for this suggestion!

I would say they are definitely not termites. No mandibles and different head 👍🏻 thank god lol that would have me checking the building walls 😂
Alright y'all, did some more research.
Springtails (Class Collembola)
Looks like there are a few different families within that class.
And mine appear to be "Entomobrya Atrocincta"

I really appreciate the help from everyone here!

Do you have any ideas as to how they might have got there?
The plants in this small grow all came from a much larger grow. That grow is in a large shared warehouse facility with about 20 other commercial farms. Plenty of room for cross contamination. I knew they came with thrips but apparently they came with springtails as well haha. We have a pretty strong IPM regimen with both foliar sprays and predatory insects but things still slip through
The plants in this small grow all came from a much larger grow. That grow is in a large shared warehouse facility with about 20 other commercial farms. Plenty of room for cross contamination. I knew they came with thrips but apparently they came with springtails as well haha. We have a pretty strong IPM regimen with both foliar sprays and predatory insects but things still slip through
Springtails are helpful, not pests.
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