
Elmer Fud

Well-Known Member
Let's see some of your trunks ladies and gents. :passitleft:

(1 inch wide highlighter for scale)


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No pictures but my best indoors is around that size. I never get the chance for a really big stalk. It was a Haze plant that created the large stalk.
Wish I could see some eye candy. :(

I'm going to do a tree for 420mag next summer outdoors, in my backyard in a 500 gallon pot. Havent done that in a few years. The trunk on her should be 4-6 inchs thick. :oops:
:passitleft:Hey Elmer sorry to bust you balls with my first post ( mods fixed it ) most people call them stalks or stems. I guess if you grow it big enough you could call it a tree (trunk )
Anyways here's my real Trunk :):tommy:
I wonder if anyone has tried harvesting and curing cannabis wood, and figuring out uses for it?
I wonder if anyone has tried harvesting and curing cannabis wood, and figuring out uses for it?
ahh, hemp rope, hemp cloth, oils & tinctures just to name a few. Some people made pipes out of there plants
maybe vacuum mine with epoxy resin I could use it as a bat
I'm thinking then that if Tink's trunk ends up big enough at harvest time, I am going to cure it and see what sort of decorative walking stick I can make out of it. And if not big enough, at least experiment with wood curing, something I've never done before or really know anything about. Just going to keep it in the dark in the bud room most likely, until it is properly dried out.
And now I was reminded of this thread while sitting out on the front porch enjoying a bowl, and pondering the sunflowers we are growing out front. I noticed some of the stalks are getting quite thick, and that had me wondering if given a long enough growing season, could a sunflower's stalk be promoted to trunk, and if sufficiently woodlike, could it be cured and worked into anything a cannabis trunk could be made into?

A sunflower staff would be pretty cool, if so.
Some trunk photos from previous outdoor grows.:blunt:

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