Trim or not


Well-Known Member
Hey mate, those are some really nice plants you've got going there! What strain are they?
In terms of trimming, it probably wouldn't hurt to remove some of the lower fan leaves to let some more light up and in.
That's what I'd do, but aside from that, they're looking great 👍
The one on the left looks like it could do with a bit of water too
Nice plant but what she needs is lollipop everything on lower 1/3 of plant, remove growth tips from middle section since they won’t make it to top of canopy anyway.

This above ^ and a good supercrop training plan. Break arms and spread out the plant so it opens up the middle for more air and light penetration.

Not really into defol, all those fans she has grown are what powers up the grow. Fans are food collectors cuz photons of light are her food. Fans help with transpiration (movement of water from soil, thru roots and out of the plant) Lastly fans are the warehouse for nutrient storage… fans do even more still but just a few of the top reasons

Yep there are other arguments for defol too, but to each their own…

Look at it this way… the fans you take now become missed opportunity for later in the crucial bud building stage…
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