

New Member
hi i snipped a leaf off 1 of the buds. looked through 100X with the light. i would say about 75% of the trichomes are opaque and 25% amber. im going to do another test on a couple nugs. but at this point (75-25) i most certainly should harvest? pblm is i just gave plant miracle grow last saturday night. i dont use ferts. plant is in sand not soil(GROWING LIKE A CHAMP) should i let go for another week with clean water at this stage of the trichome growth 75% opaqe (cloudy)-25% amber?
labrynth1 said:
hi i snipped a leaf off 1 of the buds. looked through 100X with the light. i would say about 75% of the trichomes are opaque and 25% amber. im going to do another test on a couple nugs. but at this point (75-25) i most certainly should harvest? pblm is i just gave plant miracle grow last saturday night. i dont use ferts. plant is in sand not soil(GROWING LIKE A CHAMP) should i let go for another week with clean water at this stage of the trichome growth 75% opaqe (cloudy)-25% amber?

Hi there! :ciao:

Sounds like you are getting pretty close. How many weeks into flower? Do you know the window for this strain?

I would definitely suggest flushing with Clearex or my "Homemade Clearex" (check my journal - I will post a link to exact post when I am at my desktop computer) or just search my journal for homemade Clearex.

EDIT: Sorry for the delay... Here is my HOMEMADE CLEAREX RECIPE

This stuff is IDENTICAL to the active ingredients of the commercial stuff that costs $15.00 per quart! You can make the same quart yourself for about 50 cents, give or take .25 cents depending on where you buy your Dextrose, Table Sugar and Sodium Benzoate.

If you don't have access to Dextrose needed for that recipe, Plantation brand Blackstrap molasses will work well in a pinch. You should actually have started flushing two weeks before harvest. Based on your trichomes, you still have a bit of time to flush properly. You definitely need to flush after using a chemical fertilizer like MG. You want that stuff GONE before the chop otherwise your smoke is going to be VERY HARSH and not so great for your health either! ;)

Hope that helps! Check my journal for more tips and tricks. I gotta million of em! :laughtwo:

I'll be back with that Clearex link within the hour. Stay tuned! :thumb:

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I would honestly flush her out with a cleanser like clearex or sledgehammer and let her dry out for a couple of days and again check those thrics.....if they are the same then water another cycle then harvest....that's my opinion anywho....:hippy:
thx for the info. i wanted to show u a diagram of my set up. it is outdoor. planted in sand.
green arrows=plants
blue=water (trench and strait to plant)
i use canal water for watering. During veging stage i watered the trench every day and STP every other day. Once the flowering stage came i started watering both every day. i spray the plants every saturday and fill the trench with 1 and half gallon and split 1 and half gallon between plants directly with MG.
here is the pblm. big plant is in 3rd week of flowering and lil is in well it has been almost 3 months. so using the clearex on lil P; will it affect big P? in the diagram the 2 brown squares are not there. would basically be cutting off the lil P from trench water. being that close will the MG given to big P seep to lil P? and viseversa with the clearex? hope i didnt confuse u. i couldnt figure out how to attach but i uploaded into member gallery. thx for hlp
thx for the info. i wanted to show u a diagram of my set up. it is outdoor. planted in sand.
green arrows=plants
blue=water (trench and strait to plant)
i use canal water for watering. During veging stage i watered the trench every day and STP every other day. Once the flowering stage came i started watering both every day. i spray the plants every saturday and fill the trench with 1 and half gallon and split 1 and half gallon between plants directly with MG.
here is the pblm. big plant is in 3rd week of flowering and lil is in well it has been almost 3 months. so using the clearex on lil P; will it affect big P? in the diagram the 2 brown squares are not there. would basically be cutting off the lil P from trench water. being that close will the MG given to big P seep to lil P? and viseversa with the clearex? hope i didnt confuse u. i couldnt figure out how to attach but i uploaded into member gallery. thx for hlp

Hmmm... Well that certianly complicates things a bit. I hate to bring you down, but I need to level with you...

It is virtually impossible to segregate nutrients when you are growing in a common plot in the ground. I would suggest that you use pots for your next grow. Plants need different things at different times. Even if they were at the same stage of flower, they might require slightly different care, but 3 weeks and 3 months apart? That is HUGE.

To answer your question... YES, both plants will be effected by whatever you put into the soil even if you try to avoid it. Unless they are 10-20 feet apart. If they are within a few feet of each other, you are feeding both of them the same thing whether you want to or not.

I would still suggest "attempting" to flush the older plant, and trying to get it out of there ASAP! The younger plant is going to be deprived of nutients for a time if the Clearex flush is effective for the older one. That's what flushing does. It cleanses the soil of built up salts from the various nute ingredients. All of the various elements you see on the box like Nitrogen, Phosporus etc are SALTS of these minerals, so when you hear the term SALTS we are referring to those, not the kind of salt you put on french fries! :laughtwo:

However, Clearex is primarily used for potted soil and hydroponics, not for IN GROUND grows. Without a full knowledge of how your ground is draining, there is no way to know how far away from the roots the released salts are being taken. In a pot, they come out the bottom and OUT OF YOUR PLANT'S LIFE FOREVER! ;) In the ground, who knows!

Anyway... Provided that the flush works, your younger plant might start showing some signs of various deficiencies, but you have to make a choice here. Either flush the older plant, or yank it now and scrap the harvest. I wouldn't recommend consuming a Miracle Grow fed plant that wasn't flushed thoroughly before harvest. The bud will be awful and bad for you too! MG is a "chemical" fertilizer and it doesn't BURN well. ;)

After 14 days of flushing with Clearex once every 4 days and watering daily in between each flush, you can safely chop the plant and the bud should be as good as it had the potential to be. If the flush worked and your drainage was able to migrate the MG residue away from the plant's roots and tissues, the bud shouldn't suffer from harshness or other unpleasant characteristics, provided that the bud had the potential to be high quality in the first place! ;)

I need to preface much of this with the disclaimer that I am GUESSING here cause I have never grown Cannabis in the ground and would not recommend it for all the reasons above. Pots work SO MUCH better and you have nearly complete control of the soil. Quality potting soil such as Happy Frog or Fox Farm Ocean Forest are 10 times better than sand. They already have a good pH balance and they contain nutirents and microbiotics your plants need to grow their best. Sand has nothing, so you have to add everything, and unfortunately Miracle Grow is lacking many of those key ingredients needed for 5 star plants and 5 star buds.

Growing Cannabis is always a learning experience, and regardless of how these particular harvests turn out, you are now better equipped to make your next grow that much better! :thumb:

Check out my journal if you get a chance! I have a lot of info there and I have been gardening for over 30 years. Lots of info and a lot of input from other experienced growers from the 420 site hanging around there too! I don't know everything, but between what I know and what they know, we cover most of the bases for someone wanting to learn more about how to grow the best weed possible! :thumb:

Good luck!

P.S. Get some pots for next time! Air Pots are the BEST pots to use for Cannabis. I just started using them myself, but I have it from some very respected veteran growers on this site that they are the BOMB! They are worth the extra $$ and your plants will look awesome and last you for several seasons if you can bring them indoors during the winter under grow lights and reveg them until the following spring back outside.
im Fd guess i could dig a 5 foot ditch inbetween:) ok how long after the clearex can i start MGen the young one?

Well...Like I said in my last reply... Consider this a learning experience! If you hadn't done what you did and posted here, you wouldn't have gotten all this FREE advice! LOL! :laughtwo:

When to start using MG again on the younger plant??

The short answer is NEVER!

I would STOP using MG permanently. It isn't recommended for Cannabis. You generally don't COMBUST vegetables and fruits so it works fine for that, but not for something you are going to burn and inhale. At least not if you value your lungs and your overall health! ;)

I do keep MG Blue and Red around here for our food crops, and have used it in emergency situations with Cannabis in the past. For example, I had a few new clones that arrived showing a very rapidly developing Nitrogen deficiency and I was worried that the Kelp Extract or the Grow Big wouldn't deliver the nitrogen fast enough to save the young plants. I pulled out the BLUE and dosed both clones with it ONCE. That is all they needed and in less than a week, they were nice dark green like they were supposed to be. That is really the only time I ever use MG, and if you use good soil, good pots and start with good feed from the beginning, you shouldn't need to use it. In this case, these clones arrived in my care in this condition so I had to basically fix someone else's screwup or lose the strain!


After you have harvested the older plant and yanked it out, you should start with something better suited to Cannabis cultivation.

A good and very popular nutrient to use for flowering Cannabis is Fox Farm Tiger Bloom. You only need to feed the plant this stuff once every 5-7 days. Personally, I try to use just enough to get by. I try to stay 100% organic and I also subscribe to the "Less is More" approach.

Another good nutrient to keep on hand that is gentle on young plants (4-6 weeks old) in veg is Organic Kelp Extract. I like the Growmore brand 100% Norwegian Kelp Extract. This has everything a young plant needs and a NATURAL WATER SOLUBLE form of Nitrogen. Not the type of Nitrogen found in MG.

Another quality all around nute for Cannabis in veg mode is Fox Farm GROW BIG. I use this on older plants starting anytime after they are 7 weeks old. It is gentle enough to use earlier, but I prefer the Kelp Extract. Take a look at my plants in my journal. A picture is worth a thousand words and I think I can back up my recommendations with hard evidence in the form of photos of my current and previous grows.

When to start feeding again?

Since your young plant is just three weeks in, by the time you harvest the older plant, you will be at 5 weeks or so for the younger one and that is the perfect time to start using the Tiger Bloom. This is a low nitrogen based feed designed specifically for flowering plants, so it gives them the stuff they need. As you should already be seeing with your older plant, the fan leaves will begin to yellow as the plant goes into the final phases of the flowering cycle. This stuff doesn't prevent that. Instead, it gives the plant the other nutes it needs to make big fat buds covered with trichomes! :thumb:

Hope that helps! :)
:adore:Wow golden...very nicely said....if it wasn't for AMAZING, peeps like you here...we would all be in the TwilightZone....Thanx my brotha
yup hooah happy to say i am flushing with floralkleen. another 4 days of flush and 4 days no water and ima pull thx for info ill send some pictures if im able
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