Trichomes @ 6 weeks - Is it ready?


420 Member
Trop Cherry in hydro setup @ 6 weeks and can't help but feel the trichomes are 90% milky and ready to be cut? Pistols are 50-60% orange(more then in these pics. Thoughts?





nope it ready yet, pistils can be white or yellow but in your case there’s a lot of fresh new yellow pistils on the plant indicating it’s still growing.

once the overwhelming majority of the pistils turn dark & crinkle in then she is nearing the appropriate harvest window, but bear in mind that bud swell doesn’t really begin until after pistils turn dark & crinkle in… once pistils change then it’s time to start scoping trichs

lots of great colors, gorgeous plant my friend!!

Welcome aboard sukit585!
Trop Cherry in hydro setup @ 6 weeks and can't help but feel the trichomes are 90% milky and ready to be cut? Pistols are 50-60% orange(more then in these pics. Thoughts?





Welcome to 420magazine my friend :welcome:
Beautiful lady, nice work.
When flowering is finished she will stop eating.
If she is draining her pot on the regular she is still flowing and building for you.
Also as 013 :ciao: mentioned you still have fresh pistils.
When flowering is finishing they will crinkle in and turn red.
Never harvest white pistils is my rule of thumb.
When they turn red I start checking trics.
Be patient my friend she will reward you.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Rather than looking for dark pistols, ambers and cloud try looking for white pistols and clear trichs. If you have any she isn't ready. Helps curb the enthusiasm. When the last pistol yellows and last trich clouds you are at a lower THC heady high. When the last pistol shrivels and last trich is solid white you are reaching full strength. More of a body high.
Goddamm she's pruddy lol since you waited this long if more than one plant pull half wait a week then pull the rest and see if??? Here's my bitches runts and redline the runts smells like candy bad I love it

Welcome to 420magazine my friend :welcome:
Beautiful lady, nice work.
When flowering is finished she will stop eating.
If she is draining her pot on the regular she is still flowing and building for you.
Also as 013 :ciao: mentioned you still have fresh pistils.
When flowering is finishing they will crinkle in and turn red.
Never harvest white pistils is my rule of thumb.
When they turn red I start checking trics.
Be patient my friend she will reward you.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Great advice I'll remember that mine are just flowering
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