Trichome enhancer for use in flush?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.

Im currently flushing at the moment and plan on chopping on the 20th so 8 days time, there really nice now, but id like to really stack the bud with as many as i can!

Iv ran molasses before but cant remember the difference, used terpinator to but i dont think that worked at all, i want something thats not going to leave a horrible or off taste as im curing for 8 weeks and want the most perfect smoke.

Iv heard feeding ice cold water to them 3 days before harvest can shock the plant and create more trichomes, unsure of this though and what about brown cane sugar?
I've had incredible luck with Terpinator
The ppm isn't as big a deal as the full nutes addetives

Not like adding Xtra bloom nutes, but I get it, I'm not a big ppm guy, I run my nutes at half strength, add my addetives, and watch em grow
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