Treating organic soil for pests?


Well-Known Member
Haven’t posted in quite some time! Mostly because growing has been going really well thankfully, until now. I have ten 7gallon fabric pots with Coots mix that I re-amend every cycle. I noticed in two of the 10 plants have spider mites. I had a small issue in late flower last go around but it was week 8 and I held them back until harvest. I cleaned the tent inside and out, wiped down the lights, etc. you name it I cleaned it throughout, white glove inspection style! Now I am in week 4 of flower and they are back with a vengeance. One of the plants is bad and had to remove it completely. The others are showing signs on fan leaves here and there. Would spraying the plants with a nice spray bath help? What about the soil? How should I treat all this soil before my next cycle? Thanks in advance and glad to be back!
Do you have neem and crustacean meals as part of your Coots mix? They both can help.

When I get the bastards in flower I spray the fan leaves down with a soap mixture mostly to keep their numbers down so they don't go parabolic, and I try not to get too much on the buds.

But, it's a losing battle for sure. :confused:
what’s up Hayron?

I’ve battled insects consistently in my short time as a grower. The last few cycles have been pretty chill to non-existent on critters. Believe it or not but I actually gave up nuking / sterilization of my tent & flower room and things seem to be going much better… I do Neem Seed Meal which also has NPK rating of 6-1-1 added to my soil mix and as top dress also a do a few preventative sprays in veg.

I’d recook the soil in a sealed tub or plastic garbage can and spray a biological like Spinosad and/or BTk. Spray a good measure in the bottom of your tub before you add the dirt, and after all the dirt has been added spray more on top and around edges of the tub. Place in a warm spot, snap the lid on and let it cook for a month

I’ve also had soil mites and from my experience they don’t attack the plant and it’s really hard to kil them off anyway so I just leave them alone…

I’m outdoors type and think the biggest culprit was me bringing pests in…

As you know most peeps don’t want to spray IPM gear in flower, but water or water plus Dr Bronners is pretty effective to dislodge them. You could also water in a biological like Spinosad or BTK for systemic uptake. Seems to me systemic uptake is slower so I try to hammer the plant a few times in veg and first week after flip then I hope to cruise thru flower with no hiccups… Read your labels think Spinosad is only to be used maximum of 6 times…

Anyway my 2 cents but anxious to see what else comes in from the 420 collective…
I noticed in two of the 10 plants have spider mites. I had a small issue in late flower last go around but it was week 8 and I held them back until harvest. I cleaned the tent inside and out, wiped down the lights, etc. you name it I cleaned it throughout, white glove inspection style! Now I am in week 4 of flower and they are back with a vengeance.
Welcome to the Great War. We can win some battles and sometimes the Mites win a battle but the war continues with neither side claiming victory.

I am thinking that they move into the buds because that is the freshest growth and might have the greatest amount of sap and edible tender plant tissue. Based on many of the photos growers have posted they are coming across mite webbing on their buds which is often the first time they realize they have an issue.

Makes me wonder if using one of the certified 'organic input' insecticides which is heavily sprayed on the buds is the best option to reducing their numbers. Some of them say safe to spray the flowering areas up to day of harvest. If doing that then a bud wash after harvest is strongly recommended the way I am figuring.
Do you have neem and crustacean meals as part of your Coots mix? They both can help.

When I get the bastards in flower I spray the fan leaves down with a soap mixture mostly to keep their numbers down so they don't go parabolic, and I try not to get too much on the buds.

But, it's a losing battle for sure. :confused:
I have tried neem in the past but I thought it wasn’t safe while in flower?
what’s up Hayron?

I’ve battled insects consistently in my short time as a grower. The last few cycles have been pretty chill to non-existent on critters. Believe it or not but I actually gave up nuking / sterilization of my tent & flower room and things seem to be going much better… I do Neem Seed Meal which also has NPK rating of 6-1-1 added to my soil mix and as top dress also a do a few preventative sprays in veg.

I’d recook the soil in a sealed tub or plastic garbage can and spray a biological like Spinosad and/or BTk. Spray a good measure in the bottom of your tub before you add the dirt, and after all the dirt has been added spray more on top and around edges of the tub. Place in a warm spot, snap the lid on and let it cook for a month

I’ve also had soil mites and from my experience they don’t attack the plant and it’s really hard to kil them off anyway so I just leave them alone…

I’m outdoors type and think the biggest culprit was me bringing pests in…

As you know most peeps don’t want to spray IPM gear in flower, but water or water plus Dr Bronners is pretty effective to dislodge them. You could also water in a biological like Spinosad or BTK for systemic uptake. Seems to me systemic uptake is slower so I try to hammer the plant a few times in veg and first week after flip then I hope to cruise thru flower with no hiccups… Read your labels think Spinosad is only to be used maximum of 6 times…

Anyway my 2 cents but anxious to see what else comes in from the 420 collective…
I never thought about neem seed meal so I appreciate that input. I also cook my soil every other grow in a 50gal tub with a lid. That’s why I’m so disappointed right now… I hate to start with fresh soil you know? Huge investment. But I appreciate the input and advice, I’ll be utilizing everything said, much appreciated!
Welcome to the Great War. We can win some battles and sometimes the Mites win a battle but the war continues with neither side claiming victory.

I am thinking that they move into the buds because that is the freshest growth and might have the greatest amount of sap and edible tender plant tissue. Based on many of the photos growers have posted they are coming across mite webbing on their buds which is often the first time they realize they have an issue.

Makes me wonder if using one of the certified 'organic input' insecticides which is heavily sprayed on the buds is the best option to reducing their numbers. Some of them say safe to spray the flowering areas up to date of harvest. If doing that then a bud wash after harvest is strongly recommended the way I am figuring.
Yea I’m going to head over to Jeremy’s website and see what he has to offer(BAS). I’ve been using his craft blend for years and I love it. If anyone here has a homemade insecticide mixture I’m all ears!
On the veg plot I have a sock filled with old tobacco/cigarette ends dangling in a bucket of water for spraying
Nicotine is a very useful deterrent and insecticide and quite effective on mites; I've heard of growers mixing some H2O2 to clean them/poop up too
Just a thought - good luck
I have tried neem in the past but I thought it wasn’t safe while in flower?
Well, neem meal in your soil would act as a systemic. It's the spraying of neem oil on your buds in flower that should be avoided since it can affect the flavor of your buds. Plus, trichomes dissolve in oils so who wants to risk that?

Better a soap of some sort (Safer's Insecticidal Soap is one) or Roy's disgusting alternative. :laughtwo:
Just ordered it! It said it will be here Thursday so I’ll post a follow up! Thanks everyone. Been coming here for years and thank you for welcoming me back!
Live and learn,,, Never spray with neem oil in flowering ........................
I would bring in predatory mites or other insects first then use neem oil.......................................................have zero use for it ......... its more of a deterrent then actually kills them. Insects do not like the way it smells more then killing them unless your smothering them with neem and dish soap and that will soak into the flowers.
So many other ways to kill those little fuckers then to destroy your crop .
Your thinking you will only have to spray neem oil once to kill all the Mites ,,
Best of luck.
Ok so quick update. My wife decided to inform me that she has the brand Arbor Bio-insecticide that she uses for out vegetable garden. It says it’s organic and safe… I was a bit reserved so I took the infected out of the tent, put it in my old 2x2 veg tent and treated the fck out of it with 1/2 of the recommended dose. I took my AC Infinity supplemental bar lights and stuck one in there on the lowest setting so it’s not in complete darkness for this evolution. I’m hoping this treats it… I won’t be terribly upset because I have plenty of plants to tend to but I’m epically weird and I just can’t give up on the old girl! As always I’ll keep you guys posted on progress!
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