Trala’s Tent

Emma Bee aka Gelato Auto
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Today Years Old


Happy Humpday GrowStars!!!





And thanks @Clinto drinks were on you last night.


I’ve got a lovely morning planned. Massage, then it’s home to relax and read my book. Bit of a funny tho. My gf was talking about her newly broken down relationship that she didn’t see coming and she’s was like in hindsight, he was always working late, and going to golf. My man: worked late twice this week and is at golf today! Maybe I need to watch that motherfucker a bit closer!
Trust is better than that. If trust is broken then get a new one! 🧐 Trust is best!
Yeah nah. I trust no one. Life has taught me that. And I don’t mean in a negative way. I seriously can’t even trust myself, let alone completely trust someone else. We all have secrets. Well I think we do. An old man once told me “never tell your right hand what your left hand is doing”. It struck such a cord in me. Trust isn’t actually high on my list of wants when it comes to a partner. I am all about the kindness, friendship, laughter and the love and feeling safe. My man is a good looking rooster. Add him on the back of that motorbike he looks like sex on a stick lol. I have no doubt he pushes boundaries when it comes to interactions with other women. I don’t want to know. And I’m sure he doesn’t want to know when I push those exact boundaries. I think sexual attraction to others is healthy. Demonstrates your spark within is still glowing.

Our relationship will only last as long as the laughter. I’m okay with that.
💛⭐️Good morning GrowStars⭐💛
It’s my Sunday already :( . Omg those 4 days flew! I have bounced up, got my walk on, and cleaned like a motherfucker.

So everyone has their grow cross to bear. Some have mould, others humidity problems, temperature issues, mine is spidermites. Or nits as I call them. So to keep them under control, treatment and cleanliness is the best plan of attack. Well I think it is. I live a super oraganised and sparkling clean life. Disorder and grubbiness literally gives me anxiety. I have had many a boyfriend be shocked at how a woman can be so clean, yet so so dirty. I put it down to dodgy genetics and poor role modeling from adults in my formative years coz as my old nan used to say [Removed by Admin due to lewd language, vulgarity and the breach of basic Human Rights]

So the grow rooms have been mopped and sprayed with a really poisonous insect barrier spray. I am careful to remove water sources and water trays to stop cross contamination of the poison to my plants. Oh and dem fridge dry 62 feelz! Yeah baby!


Everyone except AnnMarie my Black Sugar has been drenched. I use Safers on the flowers, Neem on the veg. AnnMarie has nits, but at this point I can’t risk adding moisture to her chicken nuggets.

Suns out guns out!


My Wookiee is taking a direct hit!


My man is trimming my trees today (not a euphemism). I have a before pic. I’ll be back later with the before vs after pic, which I will post through my tears. This beautiful cluster of green will be gone by the close of business. There’s not a day that I don’t look up at my faux green heart area and feel grateful of life. Here’s our last one for now. Till they grow back. And I really do think of you all in my heart and I really am sending you smiles. And happiness. And good stuff. Xo

Omg today my man and I learned who is really in charge. There were tears, there were tantrums, there were testing words, coz I’m absolutely fucking spewing it’s not me!

Motherfucker! And have a go at my spawn. He’s been renamed Judas.

This marks the day my men ruined my life.

So devo.

Postie been. Fuck. I am humbled gracious and generally stunned fucked and amazed.
Far out Brussel sprout. Thank you so much. Even in little bee case. That mate will always be special. Letter on fridge.
First I’d like to thank mum
Then my adopted sis
I’d also like to thank Barneys
And I not sure only assuming. Wild stab but think Stinker may get honourable mention.
Thanks again. New half arse forum coming soon. 🙏🐝XO.
Will learn to put pictures in between words and make names green soon.


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