TorturedSoul Needs Your Positive Energy


TorturedSoul asked me to pass on a message to you guys today...
I'm currently suffering some "minor" health issues and I'll return when I can.

Of course his letter to me was 420 pages long, that is all he gave me for you guys. lol

Please join me in wishing him well and sending him our love and positive healing energy through the Universe.


I hope that you recover from your "minor" health issues. I wish you all the very best. Your journals are amazing to follow. I think that I speak for the rest of us when I say that we anxiously await your return. Get well soon!

This must be the week for people having health issues. :( I'm sick right now too, with horrible insomnia and anxiety attacks. I wish you all the Best, I hope you start feeling better Sooner rather than Later.
It WILL get better! You WILL get better! My heart and thoughts are with you all the way.
Take care of yourself, heal up, and know you are in our thoughts.
GuitarMan 313
Get well soon.

I'll start treating my Bagseed mum named tortured soul better, maybe some voodoo on her will help.

TS, you are a respected, intelligent and valuable contributor to 420! My wishes for a speedy and complete recovery! :)
I hope you get well soon. I will send possitive energy your way. You are a possitive influence to the this site and the Universe.
TS, It's been a while, hope you're feeling better. Ditto to all the other replies. Your contributions to this site are wonderful. Hope to hear from you again soon.
Wishing you a speedy recovery and sending ALL the positive energy in the universe my brother. We all miss you and look forward to your return. Love ya my brother and get well so we can once again have wonderful, intelligent dialogue!
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