Toaster's Random Writings.


New Member
Wake Up.

I've never wanted to be a great man, only a good man. We are reminded everyday that we live in a world of fear. We are taught to fear what we know very little of. A suicide bomber takes the lives of countless people, new viruses are resistant to all known treatments; don't leave your house for fear of what might happen.
Terror is a cage in which we have all become prisoners. We are told to fear the vague images of what we believe these so called terrorists to be. They want us to be scared, to feel helpless, and to think there is nothing we can do. They want us to rely fully on them. Yet, they are the ones we should truly fear. The skeletons of men shrouded in million dollar suits sitting in offices of untold power, they are the true terrorists.
They tell us what and how to think, if you try to speak out against them you will be labeled as a criminal and treated as such. We need to wake up from our TV induced, fast food fueled animated coma that we have all been lead to believe is the most natural way of life. We need to wake up.
i liked it. its true.
They only have the power if you give it to them, and you are only a victim of fear if you allow yourself to be.

A strongly educated person has all the tools necessary to fight the fear and lies disseminated by our goverment and the media today. Sadly, most of the youth today would rather imitate what they saw on Jackass the night before rather then face the cold hard reality of what is transpiring around us everyday. It is far easier to act like an unintelligent person and glorify doing so then to actually take a stand against opression and make change happen. Because it takes some brains along with some balls to stand up and ask "after all these years, where are all the WMDs?" The dumbing down of America is the best weapon those on top could hope for, as an uneducated populace that is content with the herd mentality is far easier to force into submission being that they will offer no resistance. Do not become a victim of stupidity!

A furthur indication of this growing complacency is the fairly good cross section of people who fail to even realize what exactly their rights as an American are. I run into people all the time who do not even realize that they do in fact have rights and should not allow themselves to be pushed around by their government, both locally and federally. You are innocent until proven guilty, you have the right to legal counsel, and you have the right to secure your personal effects from illegal search and seizure. Only the educated person who is willing to excercise the rights afforded to them under the law can be qualified as truly free. :peace:
There I was, it was like waking up from a half sleep, I'm in the front of the line my breath is trapped by the impromptu "gas mask" I made for myself my only protection from the chemicals the are so willing to use on me is nothing more a cheap handkerchief hastily tied around my nose and mouth.

I feel the crowd surge behind me as I stare past the reflection of his face shield past the balaclava and into this man's eyes. They seem cold and piercing, so much hate. What makes me different than him? At one point I thought about becoming an officer of the law. That seems so long ago, before I realized the law is only determined by the corrupt people that are willing to write them in knowing full well they are the criminals for doing so.

Suddenly I am pulled from my thoughts as I feel the crowd push again, I feel the air is tense with a sense of dread, like the eerie calm before the storm hits, I see his leather gloved hand tighten around the rubber griped metal club that they are "legally" allowed to use on unarmed civilians. I look to my left as I hear someone yell "Gas!" I hear the pop of canisters going off in the crowd around me. As I turn to get away from the chemicals which now burns painfully in my eyes and throat I see my friend fall to the ground I stop to help him up and suddenly I hear a faint ringing as everything turns black.

My vision starts to come back to me as I become dimly aware that I am sitting n the sidewalk with my back against a faded and cracked brick wall of some nameless building, the ringing in my ears has subsided to a faint hum, my friend is sitting next to me smoking a cigarette his hands shaking as he tries to offer me some. I decline as I reach up to feel the back of my throbbing head. I find I am bleeding, not much, but enough to tell me my friend behind the face shield had decided that I helping my friend from the ground had been cause enough to use a glorified metal club on me. Funny how things go I went there for peace and was met with violence, and yet it was reported that we, the un-armed protesters, had provoked the conflict, but fortunately the police were able to stem the protest and keep peace.

I sit in this dirty unknown street and think why did we do this? Did it accomplish anything? I subjected my body to chemical and physical abuse, and did we have anything to show for it? Then a moment of clarity hit me, through the pain, through the noise of the street, and through the confusion. I did this to stand up for what I believe in, for what I think is right, I did this to show that I would take there abuse to show that I am not scarred and will not back down or fade into the darkness and hide.
If the above story happened to you, I say it's time to sue their ass and take their cash.
Nah This is a work of fiction I wrote last night when I couldn't sleep, I got my idea's from a few of the rallies I have been too, a couple of those went bad, but nothing like this. Thank you guys for taking the time to read my stories. I never feel like they are good enough. So thank you for your comments. :bongrip:
Don't doubt yourself. They are good to read. Keep writing, keep posting and we will keep reading. Nobody but you expects you to be perfect.
Your words have so much meaning and depth. I like what i read and I will continue to read what you write. Using your words can help open the eyes of the world. Dont doubt yourself. Youre DAMN good
Nice to meet you ToasterPet. great reads.
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