To flush or not to flush? Lockout?


New Member
So I'm day 33 of flower, and 3 of the girls are showing some spots on the leaves. I'm not sure what the cause is. I've tried giving them some extra calmag, that didn't improve anything. I don't think it's a lockout, but again I'm not sure. Looking for any ideas.

10 plants under 3 1000 watt hps lamps. In ocean forest soil. Using the full line of gh flora series nutes, plus calmag, molasses, carboload, and terpenator. It's a sealed room, running co2. Avg day temp 82, avg humidity 45%.


Any help would be greatly appreciated !!!!!!
Thanks Guys !!!
So first off I forgot to mention that the strain is Mango (indica).
And can anybody enlighten me why this was moved from where it was originally posted, I don't think it matters, just curious for future posts.
Thank you Richard. I always appreciate all the help I get here. Even something as simple as moving my post to better location.

The night before last (Wed.) I watered only, no nutes. Normally I'm on a feed-feed-water schedule. Tonight should be a feed night. That's why I was considering a flush, as opposed to feeding.
My tap water ph is 7.25, after mixing the nutes the ph is 6.35. Last night I checked the runoff, it was 6.55.
This is my first time growing Mango, they have been very picky from day 1. As clones, the really didn't like the ocean forest soil, too much nitrogen. It was straight water for 2 weeks. After that they were fine, until about 1 1/2 weeks ago. It has gone down hill since. At this point, I'm just hoping to make them survive until the end. They have nice colas for day 39. I'm a little surprised about yellowing leaves this early. But those I'm not really worried about. It's the other leaves, that are slowly dieing that have me concerned.
Ah, well it is most likely a pH issue. Ocean Forest is a soiless or "hydro" medium, so your pH should be in the 5.6-6.2 range. Typically with soiless mixes like this, people have good results from 5.8-6.2.

I'm running Sunshine Mix #4 and my runoff was 6.7-6.9 last two times. I'm days away from entering flower and decided to flush with plenty of 5.5 water followed by light 5.5 feeding and plenty of runoff. OP I had very similar leaf issues along with clawing.. they're looking great now, I think I'm ready to enter flower. But yeah, most of my leaf issues were PH related I think, too high soiless. Good luck!
I'm running Sunshine Mix #4 and my runoff was 6.7-6.9 last two times. I'm days away from entering flower and decided to flush with plenty of 5.5 water followed by light 5.5 feeding and plenty of runoff. OP I had very similar leaf issues along with clawing.. they're looking great now, I think I'm ready to enter flower. But yeah, most of my leaf issues were PH related I think, too high soiless. Good luck!

I thought of you when I saw this thread! It really is a confusing subject, since most of the bags you buy say "potting soil" or similar. I know I learned a lot from that mistake, so I try to spread the word!
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