Tiny spider on plant - harmful?


New Member
hi all,

this is my first attempt. on the 3rd node of veg state and now im seeing little spider web silk on some of the leaves.

no discoloration or anything bad looking going on.

just wondering if the little spider is harmful at all? i imagine him/her running around and spinning webs feeling buzzed from the plant...what synergy!

don't want to disturb it if i can help it.

thanks for any replies :peace:
Re: Tiny spider on plant...harmful?

Hey Thynker, and welcome to :420: You've certainly come to the right place, the regulars here know pretty much everything!! I'm certainly not one of the crew, but I'll try to help as I got here first :)

Have you actually spotted a spider on your plant? Spider Mites weave a spider-like web, but they tend to lay it across the surface of the leaves like a blanket rather than the big fractal webs you see around the garden. These mites are very difficult to see, but after training your sight a while they are visible to the naked eye or with a standard magnifying glass. Look for tiny black or orange-red spots on your plants, especially on the underside of leaves. Keep an eye out for movement of these tiny spots, that will help to identify them. You want to be extra-vigilant now! Mites are the bane of the garden and can destroy everything in just a couple of weeks, so you'll need to keep on top of them. Soapy water is great to get rid of them, pyrethrum-based miticides are reasonably safe to use and Neem Oil is a highly-valued addition to your arsenal... Look around the forums, and check out the link below, there's a whole wealth of information here!

Spider mites

If on the other hand you DO find a spider, it won't do any harm to your plant, although many growers will remove them on sight as to prevent the possibility of bringing in any infections. I've sat and watched mites traverse from one plant to another along a thread of spider silk. Hope this helps, and happy growing!
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