Time-Sensitive Question: Crop has begun seeding!


New Member
Hey Folks,

I've got a small problem, and could really use a bit of expert advice. I have a crop of 14 plants that are 40 days into their flowering cycle. Unfortunately, the crop has recently begun seeding. My question is, should I immediately harvest my crop, or is there any benefit whatsoever in allowing my crop to continue growing to full maturation? This is obvious a time-sensitive matter, so any and all prompt responses will be most appreciated. Thanks in advance for your support!


Re: Time-Sensitive Question: Crop has begun seeding!!!

I recently had this issue with a bunch of hermies I grew from unknown bag seed. I eneded up choosing to cut them all down easly as I had some decent femed seem from a breeder by that stage.
The smoke was very low in potency due to being harvested early. In the old days before growers worked out how to grow seedless weed, it was common to have tonnes of seeds in your mull.
If you have the time and patience, I'd ride it out to the end, you will have less potent weed as the plant has achieved it's goals and reproduced, it produces less THC.
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