

New Member
Hello, I smoked weed all through college, although then we called it grass and it was sold by the 'lid'. Medical Marijuana is coming up for a vote in Jefferson City, the capitol, but I will be very surprised if the narrow-minded conservatives who hold office in Missouri will let such a bill pass. Personally, I would much rather be on the highway with a 'stoned driver' than I would with a drunken politician any day. We need to legalize it and tax it. The govt. could then take the money being used on arresting teenagers with a doobie in their car and combine it with the tax money that would be generated and divide it up among those of us who are victims of the greedy capitalists. Oh Yeah, they could also give each unemployed person a voucher for free joints to help ease the pain.
Hello, I smoked weed all through high school and college, although then we called it grass and it was sold by the 'lid'.

You can still buy it by the lid, you just have to add a 0 to the price now.

Medical Marijuana is coming up for a vote in Jefferson City, the capitol, but I will be very surprised if the narrow-minded conservatives who hold office in Missouri will let such a bill pass.

Good luck to all Missourians! Let the politicos know that if they don't vote for compassion and care now, you'll be voting against them next election day.

Personally, I would much rather be on the highway with a 'stoned driver' than I would with a drunken politician any day.

A stoned driver will always get there (after he/she gets there)... eventually. A drunken one quite often will not. And worse yet, innocents may not either.

arresting teenagers with a doobie in their car

My official position on that kind of thing is that teenagers shouldn't do any drugs not medically required. Of course, had you asked me when I was one...

Oh Yeah, they could also give each unemployed person a voucher for free joints to help ease the pain.

I'm not a fan of "government help" and have never been on the dole, even when I was hungry. But perhaps their relatives, neighbors, friends, community, and church (if they have one) could help them out until they can get back on their feet. The only help I really ask for from the govt. is the help they would be giving me if they just left me alone.
hola, fellow missourian....unfortunately there is no way the med mj bill will pass....way too many religious types in MO....although i have signed several petitions...i'm just not holding my breath....even the legislators who might possibly vote for the bill won't do it cause the prohibition crowd is much angrier....they should try smoking a bowl
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