Thoughts, experiences?


Well-Known Member
Looks like my cons are starting to dim out on me, so I'm in search of a new fixture. Currently I'm running the cobs and a mars ts1000, which I like, but it does run a bit hot. So to replace the cons, I'm looking at a mars fc 1500, or the phlizon pro 2000. I'm confident the mars fixture will do what I want, but I'm curious about the phlizon. Being they are sponsored here, has anybody used them? They look quality, and good for the price. But Ive seen mixed reviews. Thanks.
I do currently run a phlizon FD 6000 I believe. I like that I can place the driver outside of the tent in summer, but put it inside the tent in the winter for them cooler months. Its priced effectively. I like mars light I ran them for years, tsw2000. I good budget friendly light. It did way more than I ever thought it would be capable of. But I have no experience with the newer mars line. I'm sure others will chime in!
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