Think they will ever come up with a harvesting machine?


New Member
So me and my partner finally harvested our plans on Friday evening and by my estimates we manage to get between 3-4 ounces of bud ( dried ) though I still need to get a scale to confirm one way or the other ( i'll be posting pictures ). And the thought occurred to both of us is the harvesting process marched on for little over four hours that, when they finally make it recreationally legal, do you think they will come up with a Cannibus harvesting machine or is canvas too fragile of a plant to be handled that way? I'm talking much and that will remove the fan and sugar leaves while leaving the flower ready to be dried.
You bet.

When RJ Reynolds and American Tobacco Co start growing commercially - it will be as modern and robotized as harvesting tobacco. It will soon be as illegal for us to grow as it is for us to set up a still and make liquor. When Prohibition was repealed and adult beverages were made legal there was a still in every home. We made our own.
Right now ... there are about a dozen stills in the USA.

The same thing will happen with MJ.

~ Auggie ~

Eli Whitney is turning in his grave to make a MJ harvester!

Unfortunately you may be right about home production laws in the future. Let's hope it doesn't take that turn! The physical risks of running a still are very real. Perhaps the lack of danger in planting a seed and growing a plant like any other will be considered, and hopefully common sense might prevail. I know, it's Utopian thought, but it is just another plant, and it requires nothing dangerous to produce.

Best of Buds


If you look at history it's pretty clear how it's going to go.

Think about it. You are The Government. The King. You have two choices on how to handle this "marijuana thing".

License small farms, small dispensaries. License fees allow entry by the small farmer. License him for $1000 a year, sell him tags for each plant for $2.50 each. You will license 10,000 of these folks. Income ... from license fees alone is $10 million a year to your coffers. Hire an army of enforcers to keep your money flowing at a cost of $2 million a year. You are clearing $8 mil a year.

License three very very large operations. RJ Reyolds, American Tobacco Company, and one of your best friends and contributors to your last campaign. You'll charge each of them $5 million in licensing fees (chump change to these guys), you'll hire one third of the staff needed to enforce the rules so your cost there is down to $1 million a year. You are now clearing $14 million a year.

Which would you choose ... if YOU were the King.

Study history -- what is happening today will scare the shit outta ya.
And not just in the marijuana game.
I am watching the world commit suicide.

~ Auggie ~
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