Think I'm having a meltdown!


New Member
Hi there need a little help i was on here about a week a my inline fan fell on my one plant snapping the main stock a member gave me a sweet tip to fix it but the main question now the plant has a bad problem is it from the main stock having split im growing NL I'm on the 8 week now and i just did a big flush just to fix anything plush it was time to flush the plant anyway i grow to 10 weeks so i always flush at 8week looks like she has a bad

OK, the plastic tie is a good support. I've spit a numbr of main stems, too, and I still got my harvest.

The top leaf looks like light burns, like when you water the leaves with the lights on. The water acts like a lens, heats up the water drops, and burns the leaf. And then it could have been burned when the light fell on it. The second leaf is indicative of either too many nutes or nute lockup, but unless it is widespread, I would not stress over the loss of a couple of leaves. It also could be the plant shutting down a leaf it no longer needs. Just clip them off.

The rest of the crop looks good, and, with care, you'll have a great harvest! Cannibus is a tough weed!
So since you are in bloom and can't stop the process you need to probably do light folliar feed to get some nutes and water up there. But go extremely light and when you are at harvest wash the buds before drying. you should do this anyway but now you will really want to. thee is a long sticky on how to do this in the curing area.

The plant is focused on healing not blooming. So it is going to take some time. This one will not finish with the rest. This one will take an extra 2 weeks min. If it comes back strong you will get what we call Bats (or baseball bats) for buds because they are going to top fill after the thing has repaired itself. But for the first 2 weeks about all you can do is be patient and just keep it alive and then it will come back.

for specific deficiencies check here but I think what you are seeing is what I like to call autuming.
Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial

I think you plant may be using the stored up nutes in the fan leaves because they are a bit hungry.

When you foliar feed tread lightly and try to just feed the fan leaves. Whatever it says for concentration on the bottle go to 1/4 of that because you have a stunted stressed out plant now that wont be able to process it.

I told you previously to keep the band aid moist. I didn't tell you that I also once in a while sprayed in a light solution of general purpose plant food there and that can help. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to burn it and stress out the process of healing that up. But if you tread very lightly you can use the same foliar spray at the bandaid too.

My favorite is Elanores VF-11 found at home depot and Walmart and many more. Don't let the fact that it is dirt cheap fool you. It is probably better and more well researched than AN.
When I split a stalk I put clonex gel in the split and zip tie it. If I break a branch, I use a wooden chopstick as a brace, use small strips of duct tape to secure it then put clonex on the break, if it is bad I will put clonex on a cotton ball and use it like a bandaid. I save all of my splits and maybe 80 to 90 percent of broke branches. A friend does the same only he uses wood glue on splits.
So since you are in bloom and can't stop the process you need to probably do light folliar feed to get some nutes and water up there. But go extremely light and when you are at harvest wash the buds before drying. you should do this anyway but now you will really want to. thee is a long sticky on how to do this in the curing area.

The plant is focused on healing not blooming. So it is going to take some time. This one will not finish with the rest. This one will take an extra 2 weeks min. If it comes back strong you will get what we call Bats (or baseball bats) for buds because they are going to top fill after the thing has repaired itself. But for the first 2 weeks about all you can do is be patient and just keep it alive and then it will come back.

for specific deficiencies check here but I think what you are seeing is what I like to call autuming.
Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial

I think you plant may be using the stored up nutes in the fan leaves because they are a bit hungry.

When you foliar feed tread lightly and try to just feed the fan leaves. Whatever it says for concentration on the bottle go to 1/4 of that because you have a stunted stressed out plant now that wont be able to process it.

I told you previously to keep the band aid moist. I didn't tell you that I also once in a while sprayed in a light solution of general purpose plant food there and that can help. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to burn it and stress out the process of healing that up. But if you tread very lightly you can use the same foliar spray at the bandaid too.

My favorite is Elanores VF-11 found at home depot and Walmart and many more. Don't let the fact that it is dirt cheap fool you. It is probably better and more well researched than AN.

Your trick work good i wrap it and I'm keeping it moist thanks for the tip !!!!!!!!!
Well he is an electrical engineer after all,
I have worked with EE's for the last 20 some years and can honestly say that they love to know all the facts and every detail. For me in the field, it can drive me a little crazy at times, but when I know my life is on the line, I sure am glad those guys are around. Obviously his mindset is the same with growing:thumb:
but i want to thank everyone for there tips i really love this form a lot of good people give there time to help others i just can't want to get this grow over with and on the next

this pick was a week ago when Villageidiot, help me fix the main stock you can see how green everything look from now
I don't do it for respect. I have been asked many times to do a youtube channel or do a journal. I feel like there is plenty of that. I just don't care what people think of me online.

I do it because I want to give back to the world some of what was given to me. The laws on this are absolutely insane and unethical. I do this because it is the right thing to do and all those politicians can suck my bawllz. Especially now that I can grow legally in my front yard if it is in a greenhouse.

Sorry... it was a joke on your name. I get a kick out of your alias. It makes me laugh! Plus you give some really good advice, stuff I hadn't thought of.

And I agree completely with you on the laws issue. The Alaska Cannibus Control Board is still hammering out the industry regs so the state gets its share of the profits. Between the Alaska Privacy Laws, the MMJ law passed in the 90's, and the voter legalization of recreational use, there is a bit of "gray area" where home growers operate, and have for decades. As long as we're careful to secure our personal-use crops against theft, we're left pretty much alone.
The secret is I have made every mistake there I probably have seen it. The hard part is remembering how I fixed it...LOL.

I'll never forget my first nute burn...I was not prepared to grow weed...but that sure didn't stop me. But I have had some solid support from real scientists and pro growers. So I just wanna give back and help make the world a greener place.
Thats the thing 20 years a go we did not have youtube vids to help hi speed web surfing online asking forms i remember my dad coming home with this High Times how to grow on VHS lol. its nice to have this help from good people on this from to help it gos a long way and yes Villiageidiot you should make a you tub channel going around fixing peoples grows as you know there a idiot in a village near you :party:
Hey village idiot where still looking good the plant still kicking but for sure its slowing down on making buds and more worry about fixing it self
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