TheStickyIcky, Gorilla Glue, Journal


Well-Known Member
I first used 420 mag 2 years ago roughly as I was experiencing some issues on my first attempts.
Over the past 2 years I have successfully grown many different strains from seed mainly autoflowers as I was restricted on head space and found these were more manageable.
Now I am growing from cuttings for the first time and have built a grow room to suit my space with everything I need so hopefully I can now get greater results and give my plants a better space to flourish! (Thats the plan)

STRAIN - Gorilla Glue
GROW STAGE - Cuttings planted in pots 10.03.22
POT SIZE - 26l Pots for all
LIGHTS - 2 x HPS with variable output - 250w to 800w
NUTES - Samurai range with rootbastic for root stimulation
MEDIUM - Tropic Mix
ROOM TEMP/HUMIDITY - Room temp currently @ 32 Celsius! Humidity at 30%
GROW AREA - 2m x 2m

My plants went into there home on the above date with a small amount of rootbastic in there first watering in there pots.
My room is running slightly hot at 32 degrees as my intake fan decided to give up so one is on order so in the meantime im trying to keep it as low as possible but im hoping at this early stage the heat wont bother them too much!
For the first 48 hours I ran both lights at 250w until I noticed the plants beginning to open up a bit and now have the lights on 400w each. The lights are at the very top of my room which is roughly 2.2m high.

Sooo.... This is where im at now.. They have had there second dose of rootbastic which I have never used before, as said above i have never grown from cuttings so any advice would be great! Im wondering when should I begin feeding these as I dont want to feed them too early nor do i want to starve them as I know these are in theory an allready developed plant... I will be giving them a watering in the next couple of hours of just normal water, unless advised otherwise beforehand.

I will add and post pictures shortly but whilst I had 5 minutes i wanted to get the journal started so please 420 GURUS help a brother as im learning again and am looking forward to the journel!

Today my intake fan arrived and I have mounted it and am hopefully going to see a good drop in temp to around the 26 - 28 degrees mark. Ive shut it all up and will give it a couple of hours and check again. I phoned to check the temps today whilst out and they had gone over 40 degrees!!! managed to get it back down to 28 for when i arrived back with a trial of small wall mount fans around the venue! ha.
I still havnt had chance to upload any pictures but i will get them uploaded in the next 24 hrs hopefully. Im getting my old camera fixed this week which has all my previous grows on so im going to post those aswell, theres a great variety and one monster autoflower which took over my space completely! Power I think it was called.
7 of the 9 are beginning to stretch 2 are a bit slow, but im sure they will catch up.

When would you advise me to start feeding them they have been in 4 days now and have received 3 small waterings. twice with rootbastic added to help roots and one plain watering. Im new to clones and am reading a bit of both, some are feeding almost immediatly and others are feeding after 7 - 10 days.

My inlet I have just had delivered is a black orchid and i have about 2 metres of ducting attached to it? do you think that will be fine? the fan is within my room and the ducting travels vertical with no bends etc... you think that will be ok?

Was hoping to login today and see a couple of responses.....
Did you root the cuttings first, or just take the cuttings and place them in the soil?
Yes the cuttings were rooted first, they are growing nicely at the moment. i cant get the temperature in the room to below 31 degrees. i have switched up from LED which i was able to comfortably control the room temp as needed to now using HPS which are generating alot more heat obviously.
Should i have my intake directed at the lights to try and kill the temp at source as at the moment it is directed to just below my oscilating fan which i was hoping would evenly push the intake aire around the room and cool.
Awesome start... No input on the clones... Looking forward to seeing some pics... As for the temp issue I had the same thing ... Felt to hot .... Thermo said it was to hot ....etc .lol but I bought a cool air most humidifier and I have that as my inlet air...kinda dual purpose creates cooler temperature and raises humidity a bit (I sit around %30)....but I'm running leds so I'm not even close to the temps of hps.
Some pictures would be handy so we can get a sense of your HPS and exhaust fan setup.:thumb:
I will take some pictures a little later and upload them. As its my first time in this space a few things were bodged up until i knew they worked in those locations and then once happy perm fixed. so everything is now mounted in there final positions apart from the inlet which is taped into positions and angles at the moment until i can decide whats best.
Its still a bit DIY so dont take the piss!!!! and doesnt look visually as good as a tent but its 100mm cavity insulated all round, which is probs my downfall as it holds its temps too well!
Finally got around to snapping them. Haven’t added the filter to my extraction yet, will add in the next couple of days. Both lights are running 400w each I’m going to give them another few days as they are doing well under that and then move them up to 800w each. They had they’re first feed of 50% nutes 2 days ago and then not long before pictures I gave them a watering just normal tap water.
They seem to be doing well. They are stretching and new growth is visible, colour looks good but I’m still struggling to get below 31 degrees during the day.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated or anything you can see what I’m doing wrong point it out!!!

Also should I scrog these as that’s what I’ve done my last grows or do I just try and train them a little and let them do they’re thing? Im personally thinking scrog as I have had better results but that’s auto, also when should I be looking to flip. I want them chopped within 3 months so do you think flip at about week 5?
I scrog all the time. Just a personal preference.
As far as flipping, you'll need about 10 days for transition from veg to flower and about 70 days for flower so you can back calculate your time from there.
Your pictures look very orange/red, are you using High Pressure Sodium (HPS) bulbs in your lights?
It’s the camera I’m using it’s not the best. The bulbs I’ll find out what they are they came from a fellow grower who gave me some stuff.
They sure look like HPS bulbs which are generally used during flowering. If you have Metal Halide bulbs for veg that'd be the ticket.
I only have these bulbs and I have about 10 of them! All the same they are now in storage so not sure on brand etc, can I continue to use during veg? They seem to be enjoying it as the growth is daily. I’ve given them they’re second feed today at 1ml per litre. The guide is 2-4ml per litre so I think on the next feed I’ll bring them up to the 2ml as I’m getting no signs of burning etc and they are stretching and gathering new growth. I’m also going to scrog these but at what point should I begin to train? What height should I begin they’re training?
This is from an old grow of mine. Check it out, it shows how I set up my scrog and should give you an idea for yours.

Here are some images to update from previous images. This is 3 days since previous upload and as you can see they are stretching nicely and throwing out new growth.
I will be beginning training this week if the growth continues as it is.
They had a plain watering yesterday and will be due a feed tomorrow. They are each already taking about 2 litres roughly and drying out within 2 days I think that is due to my heat. I noticed today it hitting 34 degrees again. I have read c02 is good for higher temps so would you recommend me adding a source of c02?
Today my intake fan arrived and I have mounted it and am hopefully going to see a good drop in temp to around the 26 - 28 degrees mark. Ive shut it all up and will give it a couple of hours and check again. I phoned to check the temps today whilst out and they had gone over 40 degrees!!! managed to get it back down to 28 for when i arrived back with a trial of small wall mount fans around the venue! ha.
I still havnt had chance to upload any pictures but i will get them uploaded in the next 24 hrs hopefully. Im getting my old camera fixed this week which has all my previous grows on so im going to post those aswell, theres a great variety and one monster autoflower which took over my space completely! Power I think it was called.
7 of the 9 are beginning to stretch 2 are a bit slow, but im sure they will catch up.

When would you advise me to start feeding them they have been in 4 days now and have received 3 small waterings. twice with rootbastic added to help roots and one plain watering. Im new to clones and am reading a bit of both, some are feeding almost immediatly and others are feeding after 7 - 10 days.

My inlet I have just had delivered is a black orchid and i have about 2 metres of ducting attached to it? do you think that will be fine? the fan is within my room and the ducting travels vertical with no bends etc... you think that will be ok?

Was hoping to login today and see a couple of responses.....
Hey sticky! One of our members with much cloning experience suggested non-clorinated water. I have some ready. Basically it's boiled water poured into a large-mouther jar. Leave in sunlight for a few days with the cap off.
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