"These rings of smoke you blow all day, i ask you sir, what meaning have they?"


New Member
Ok heres the deal, given that heading/question, write. Yes i know the heading comes from somewhere or someone, it just kinda gave a little spark to what i did and wanted to see what everyone else can come up with....

:passitleft: ur turn dude...

These tethered rings i do exhale
float about and soon turn stale
Set free, the shaddows dissipate,
reminding me slowly why im vexed of late
awake at night, sad rings do haunt
while time and by i wont turn gaunt.
i wont cry as smoke burns my eyes,
i try to blame though i know she tries.
im numb to things that people say
they all tell me it'll be ok.
they dont see my doubt in hope,
they dont see why i smoke
i try not to bother those folk
so i sit and take another tolk
Those rings to stare and haunt.
as her cries continue to taunt
my heart, my mind, they disagree
so i sit and smoke this tree.
Leaf by leaf they all turn brown
inhaled deeply then knocked to the ground.
exhaled and shaped to frame
the things in his life that cause him pain
those rings of smoke whisp away,
carrying with, his vexed of late
Chained rings rise above my brow
Custom service: I'm thinking now

Not at harness, those aren't traces
I dream scenes from good time places

Been there done that and did it again
Edited memories are now the remains

Celluloid heroes are never to die
And it's smoke rings that help sweet tears to my eye
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