The weirdest plant in history


Well-Known Member
(Note: The pics are all of the one plant; I can’t get it all in one frame)

Two or so months ago I posted about a plant in my hybrid grow that wouldn’t flower. As did I, responders suspected a photoperiod seed might have been mislabeled.

I planned to flip from 20 on / 4 off to 11 light 12 dark to get it going but first trimmed it as it has gotten huge. Almost immediately it started flowering without me changing the lights. Until yesterday it was on 20/4.

In the meantime I harvested the other hybrids and started four photoperiod plants which you can see in the foreground. Yesterday I flipped the whole thing to 11/12 as the photoperiods are ready to roll.

This mystery plant has been flowering for about eight weeks and won’t finish. Maybe with the light change it finally will.

What the heck? It’s an 2x4 tent and the three remaining branches (note the middle being bare) are more than two feed wide each and huge in diameter. I’m guessing this will yield at least fifty pounds dry and trimmed although I’ve been know to underestimate. Maybe 150 pounds? Don’t tell nobody.

But seriously if it’s a mislabeled hybrid why did it flower with 20 hours light per day?



Hey what’s up Tedmarx38??

whoa yes… that’s a beast fo’ sho’ but flowering at 20 hours of lights on- most def sounds like an autoflower…. ;)

I’m guessing trimming was enough stress to trigger her in to flower.

do you mean 11/13 cuz otherwise you are wasting 7 hours of cooking time each week?

hmm any chance she dropped nanners or otherwise got knocked up? Beyond that idk but let’s see what else comes in
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