The way it is


New Member
I am Hoppie. I am kind of an activist and have been since the sixties. I see in our society how those who can least afford it pay the most as in higher interest rates on everything they buy like cars and the use of credit cards. You pay for overdrafts on checks. You pay more for food because you can't buy and store like some of us can. Those who are well off only pay 6.5 or less on their credit cards. We can play hardball with them instead of vice versa. I went from living in a house with no running water and a outside toilet to suddenly within a matter of seconds Knowing something that I did not know before. I went to Chicago and started working as a mach. then a tool and die maker and then I went to xxxx and had ex nazi tool and die makers thinking I was a genius and then I took college classes and became a engineer tech. and what no one knew was that I had never served a apprenticeship and learned everything i knew about it in about 5 seconds on the side of the hill that day. I am retiring this month after 30 years, Smoking weed has saved my life. I did not know that I caught Hep c in the
Army. All my ex buddies are dead because they drank and the scar tissue builds up 5 times faster. I am alive because I gave up drinking and only smoked good weed. This is not an addictive drug. I believe that it should be legal and taxed for general adult consumption. I am now being treated for three things of which any of the three would qualify me for the mmj program. I am on it now but Washington needs some help and no one is going to do it for us. If we want something bad enough we are going to have to work to get it. I think it's worth it.
Thank you, I am only talking common sense. Something in short supply these days. Money is like fertilizer, if you pile it in one spot it burns the ground beneath it and kills everything around it. Spread it around and everything grows. Sometimes the people who have the money get so used to telling you what to do that they want to do it in civilian life too. We have to remind them just who's government this is after all. We are the people and this is our government now. They had their chance and now it's our turn. We are not book smart and people stupid, We have learned our lessons well.
funny how things work. i was going to do something and now I don't have to. It's nice to have old friends who are very established and can now let me in their club. I'll get everything for free. five of the best strains in the world. I don't have to do nothing at all at my house, Even big black stress balls (hash). I guess there is a bunch of ex aero space engineers who are now entering that age bracket where there backs fall apart or they get cancer or for one reason or other need compassionate mmj. I unknowingly had to wait for them to come to me. So things have gotten easier.
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