The secret life of plants


New Member
Any body interested in working with plants should check out the secret life of plants and the secret life of soil , both written by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird.These books will blow your mind . They contain information that will give you an insight to what "plants" really are.Peace
Also , Mushrooms ,Mold and Miracles.It's another one that will blow your mind....sorry I can't remember the author but you should be able to find that out on bibliofind or one of those book oriented sites.
That book, The Secret Life Of Plants was originally published circa 1970.
Most if not all of the claims--like how plants "scream" when they're being harvested, or can recognize people--have been debunked.
It made (and apparently still does) a lot of $$ for the authors, but it has no basis in truth.
actually proven a few years ago in Japan , confirmed in Germany independantly,For example ,some "screams" are caused by water stress but are actually cell walls cracking.The sounds are on an ultrasonic level , bugs can only hear and know the plant is weak ,so they attack.Yeah it was written a long time ago , but 90 percent of the info is still common science.
There are 4 stages to belief:thats stupid , thats interesting but stupid , thats interesting but whats the purpose , and I always told you so
there is also a movie on netflix called the secret life of plants, There are some very interesting experiments that show plants do have there own form of conciseness. Ask any gardener and they will tell u the same. why else would plants respond favorably to music and conversation?
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