The Riddle Of The Rocks


New Member
Years ago I had 2 patches in the same area very deep in the woods.
It was quite a hassle to get to...a wlak 2 miles down a steep dirt road then 2 miles of extreme bushwacking--through poison oak, stinging nettles, with numerous stream crossings.
There were probably less than 10 hikers a year that went in that far.
I day while going out to tend the gardens I discover 12 fat indica beauties which I was planning to harvest that day had been stolen.
My other garden was 12 massive sativa's and they still had a month to go.
I knew the rippers would return looking for more and I wasn't about to let them get these.
So I arraged to be out of town for awhile, took all my camping gear and set up next to the stream withing sight of the trees my plants were hidden behind.
It was a real nice area--a trout-filled stream, a pool where the water cascading over a rock made like a jaquzzi, soft sand.
I pitched my tent, built myself a rock ring and was in business.
What I hadn't counted on was this was only the 2nd time in my life I had ever camped out in the wilds by myself. The other thousand or so times had been with at least 1 other person. This time it was just me and Buffalo my trusty camping dog.
(Buffalo was such a camping dog, I took his mother camping when she was pregnant with him. And the first few times I took him camping I had to carry him because he was too young to walk very far. He was my constant hiking/camping buddy).
So the first evening, around dusk, I'm standing my the stream drinking a beer and all of a sudden a rock hits my tent.
Well the tent was pitched halfway under an oak tree near the canyon wall. I figure a small rock came tumbling down, no biggie.
Then, a few minutes later, another rock hits my tent. While I'm absorbing that, another rock hits the tent.
Now I'm starting to feel creeped out.
Why was someone throwing rocks at me/my tent? And why hadn't Buffalo heard or smelled them.
I admit it, I'm somewhat of a pussy in that kind of situation. Although there's really nothing to fear from the wildlife (most wild animals avoid people, especially if the person has a dog.), there is an animal to fear in the woods--man.
I reach in my tent and grab my revolver (I told you I was a pussy).
Who--or what--was out there in the darkness throwing rocks?

to be continued
ok Ranger, intermission is over!:bitingnails:

rolls another joint of trainwreck...and waits:smokin:
The solution to the riddle is in the initial post.
Here are the clue's
-the location of the tent
-the time of year
-the time of day.

Can YOU solve the riddle of the rocks?
Remember, things may not be what they seem.
Oak tree is dropping seed pods....?
Mr B, I think you are correct.. fall, dusk.. winds..oak tree acorns falling on the tent.
Awesome! what do I win? Sharp stick in the eye maybe? :)
i was thinking if fish inthe stream but as i think about acorns i might have to agree cuz i'm stoned and i was thinkin sloooowwww

edit: i still submit trout making the rocks fall from the waterfall
Bahnzo and Pinch were right.
The tent was pitched party under an oak tree, it was fall (time acorns are ripe) and humidity increases during dusk/night; the acorns absorb some of the moisture, casing them to weigh more, and fall.
It was the remoteness and that I was alone--that made me jumpy.
I had camped like I siad maybe a thousand times before, but never under an oak tree during Sept. apparently.
I had heard a noise that sounded just like a small rock hitting the tent, and glimpsed an object that was the size of a small rock bouncing off the tent in the corner of my eye, and my imagination took care of the rest. Sorta like the first time when your folks left you home alone for the first time...every little sound you hear convinces you that an axe murderer is trying to get in to hack you to death.

Coming soon--Kaos In The Kanyon.
quadracer420 said:
:adore: :headbanger: :adore: :headbanger: :bongrip: awesome man but did you find the guy who took ur shit?

I'm 99% sure it was a group of 3 fisherman that came by after I was there about 10 days. They looked mighty disappointed when they saw me.

Note: Even though I had 2 guns (an old revolver and a rifle) there was no way I was gonna shoot anyone.
But the rifle was leaning up against the trunk of the oak tree (remember the oak tree?) in plain sight, as a deturrent. Anyone thinking of ripping didn't know I wouldn't shoot them.
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