The purity of self and cannabis

Smokin Moose

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex Moderator
I've sat and followed many threads in this sub-forum and often wondered why there was no interest for me at a deep level. I will try and explain why.
I felt that members discussing or debating God and relgion, and the connection of those two 'entities" to cannabis were missing the point of spirituality. It seemed most debates were about the merits of one form of religion, or one form of following a path to seek enlightenment. It was the 'following' part that bothered me.
You see, I was brought up to be a man who would always walk on new snow. To never follow another man's trail, unless I was hunting him. To be strong in the belief of self.
Follwowing a harrowing experience in a Turkish prison in 1978, I came to a point in my life where I faced my destiny. A chioice of life or death. Sanity or reason. I chose to fight back with my mind to survive. I retreated into myself, and over a period of time I found enlightenment. I literally went to an imaginary Nirvana, with my memories and kismet as the guide. I explored the inner me in the dark, and we became best mates.
There was no God there with me at the time, or a higher power that I could call on for relief, reprieve, or rescue. I realised I had to be my own higher power, and it was that moment when enlightenment came. To realise that I had all the answers myself was escape, reprieve and eventually rescue.
Enlightenment to me comes down to state of acceptance. I've descibed it before as being like the concept of infinity. No end, no beginning, just a middle. You cannot define it, yet we accept it. And to me, acceptance is the key to enlightenment.
Enlightenment let's me see beauty in life way that is pure. Enlightenment gives me a desire to see beyond convention, and an ability to forgive.
Combine this with cannabis and you have a match made in heaven. That sense of being a free spirit when I smoke is profound.
I look to life and enlightenment in a novel way. To me it is so simple. When I see folks struggling in their never ending search to understand and find God, most are following the words or paths of others.
You will never find enlightenment by following another. Enlightenment is unique and as individual as DNA, so why follow someone else's enlightenment. You will never be able to see someone elses. If we could read minds, it would be a different matter.
I'm not knocking religion or God. I am indifferent but accepting. No hassles.
I accept that the world is an undefinable entity. The how and why will never be known. We are just in the middle of an infinite world.
On that basis I just relish the magnificence and awe of natural beauty for what it is. And it is....just there lol. It is that simple. Cannabis to me is a catalyst and an enhancer to enjoying life. I enjoy life without cannabis as well, but being high is next to sitting on a comet for me. And it lets me sleep.
When I am high, I specially feel empathy and love for the world around me. I sense a responsibility to help others by being altruistic. I follow no dogma. I follow where the weed and my mind take me. And I am never bored.
Canna-purity of self. A state of being a good, high person. That is my crede.
Your words ring as clear as a bell. I, too, was bumped up to a way-different level by an agonizing situation. However, most of us will not have to go thru your dreadful experience where the mind snaps into a higher level. For anyone searching for your Higher Self, I would encourage you to seek answers by reading the right books or hanging out with wiser ones to learn how to go within and find your own answers. Cannabis can open the mind to different consciousness if that's what you want. Ring on, dear Moose.
Great words moose. You have a great gift w/ words my friend and the things you say have such power behind them. I'm still searching for my enlightenment. My life is almost the exact opposite as I would have liked it to be. I'm really starting to break down, I need a change in my life and it just seems impossible to get.
The mind is your search engine for enlightenment. Acceptance is the key. To be able to accept all the wonders of life and feel happy, is a special place.
One day many years ago, I sat bruised and bloodied on a stool while an old Turkish jailer sat guarding me. Without saying a thing, he reached over and wiped the mess from my mouth, then gave me half a stale sandwich he had in his lunchbox. A piece of pita bread with cheese and olives. For that instant in time, in my shattered mental state, I felt joy and happiness. I accepted the gesture for what it was. He could do nothing. He was not one of the men torturing me. That was a critical defining moment for me. I took that gesture into the dark with me, and recalled it thousands of times over the next months. Human kindness in the basest conditions. I forgave that man for being a Turk. The others took much longer to forgive.
The thing with adversity is that it precipitates enlightenment. I take Julianne's point about some folks needing guidance, but there comes a time when folks must walk alone those last few steps to true enlightenment. It's those last few steps that are beyond people. When you do get to see the steps, you suddenly feel like Dorothy skipping down the yellow brick road, arm in arm with Alice from Wonderland lol. I'm communing with the spirits at the moment if you haven't gathered. I just smoked a joint of the Brazillian Haze pheno from my grow. I keep looking at my profile pic with the lights off and blinking. I feel like a shaman in the jungle seeing the spirits lol. Oh life is beautiful when you are truly high.
Thanks for reading my thoughts. I appreciate your kind words.
What if the only way to find enlightenment is by leaving family, friends, and everything you love? I fear this is what I must do everyday, I dont want to walk out on my life but it just isn't working.... EVERYDAY I think about just jumping in my car and driving to california/colorado and start the life I really want there, am I wrong for that? My g/f seems to not think of me as a top prority anymore? why, I really dont know? Our relationship is in the shitter. I feel unwanted here and I feel like I cant change unless I start over
You know what mate. There was a young 19 year old in Florida many years ago. He was in a dilemma much as you are right now. One day, he made a conscious life decision to follow a dream. That involved leaving his home and family, his loved ones and the world he knew. He took a big breath, put his shoulders back, and walked out the front door, not looking back. He went west, looking for a place to bring his dream to reality. It was the American dream in many ways. Time immemorial has tales of men like this. The free spirits. The visionaries. The adventurers. The lost souls.
That man I am speaking of is Rob Griffin. His dream and his vision are 420 Magazine. He is just a man like you and me. To be like him you must take that first step out the door. Your best companions in life will be your morals, your courage, and your sense of the adventure.
Part of the enlightenment process is that first step. Look for the fresh snow, but watch for the avalanches that life can throw at you.
Just believe in yourself, and trust your instinct. And keep your weed larder full. That is the catalyst remember.
I like your thoughts on enlightenment moose! sounds like were in the same boat, only yours is a boat and mines a plank of wood, whatever that means lmao =P
BeenSmoken, I feel like im in the same situation, er boat as u too =o, im in a college my parents picked out, studying the degree my dad got, and if i say anything against it the devils make me feel like an ant! unworthy of all theyve done for me(not to mention they expect me to pay off my dui charges they paid,i feel kinda stuck) So i'm just tryin to stay happy and smile at all i hate for now, not sayin thats what to do but just where im at. If you get any brilliant ideas for starting anew, lemme know =P

In the mean time(where did that phrase come from hehe) ill smoke a bowl for ya!

peace all
I once judged all Turks by the actions of a few. That was a mistake. After being tortured, I hated all Turks. The man who helped me was also a Turk, but he brought me kindness. I will never forget his one act of kindness.
It took 25 years to do it, but I also forgave the Turks who tortured me. It was my way of releasing my mind from the lingering hurt they were causing me. Instead of putting up with the nightmares, I chose to forgive the men who hurt me, so they could not keep hurting me. Some call that cognitive therapy, some call it courageous. I call it a necessary process. It gave me peace of mind.
Does that explain your question?
Hey Moose verry deep.Years back I came to a similar crossroads.I hate bringing this up again,I dont want that moment in time to define me,but when I was in that car wreck it was a side impact wich when I came to and was in shock I didnt relize the parametics had already strapped me in a backboard.when one of them asked me what was hurting the most,I went to look at my leg but couldnt move anything.I freaked like never before I thought I was completely paralized.It must of been the shock I was in but from what I remember none of the parametics let me know I was strapped down.For the entire trip in the helecopter and I dont know how long in the hospital I thought I was paralized.For that time I was stuck in my own mind.Every moment felt like a 1000 lifetimes,I learned a new meaning of panic,I was swallowed in complete dispair.Finnally after God knows how long a
truama doc said something and I turned my head and screamed with relief knowing I wasnt paralized.It was a very humbulling expirence.Like you said the hardest battles we face are within our own minds.My point is when I moved every thing changed I truely looked,smelled,and felt everything different.Even though the accident has changed my life to this day it taught me to love life for what it is.
I just read an interview with Robert Redford in Playboy. Let me quote, "I've explored every religion, some very deeply, enough to know there's not one philosophy that can satisfy me. Problems can't be solved with one way of thinking. If anything is my guide, nature is. That's where my spirituality is. I don't believe in organized religion because I don't believe people should be organized in how they should think, in what they believe." Personally, I was a Pentecostal pastor for years and I only found true peace when I stripped myself of all religion. Only then could I find my path; a path persecuted for following (family DID NOT understand); a path making a third of the income (removed myself from the corporate rat race); but a path with inner peace that no title or paycheck could provide. It is an inner path expressed with your outward actions. I have moved from suicidal to loving life. It took refusing to conform to what others felt I should be - to being me - free. Peace
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