The Great Cannabis Debate


Well-Known Member
I think when I get to Florida, I may have to call up some people and see if we can setup an open forum peoples debate. Something like this:

Open Debate: Cannabis Prohibition and Medicinal Cannabis in Florida

Book the stadium in downtown Orlando, tickets are 5 bucks to cover expenses.

Invite the media, the Governor, the Mayor, State reps, Senators, Congressmen, the FDA, Alcohol corporations, A.T.F., DEA, the AARP, NORML, MPP, and any other organization for or against prohibition to have a representative in the debate. Both sides can show up to 20 minutes of video, presentations, or physical evidence demonstrations. Both sides will have 5 minute opening and closing statements. The forum will dedicate most of the allotted time to open q&a debate with some audience participation.

The panel will be able to question representatives from each available department or area of expertise (each organization should have a representative to speak).

I would love to refine this idea and see what kind of support we could get to openly challenge ruling law and tell the truth without the giant propaganda machine working against us. I wonder who we could get to come? Movie Stars? It would also make for a great T.V. show :) I better Copyright this :)

(Oh, ya, the hash was supurb :)
very good idea. would love to see a bunch of big politicians and normal people debate the legallity of the herb. will probably have to get some kind of permit from the city to hold the forum.
when is the florida primary? would be awesome if obama, clinton, and mcain would chime in this debate.
keep working towards this man, its people like you that will get the law and minds changed.
call woody harrellson, tommy chong, and willie nelson to be on a "celebrity panel", they are all smart enough that it wouldn't be like having snoop dogg up there or some shit like that, then you could get people to come and publicity, the open forum idea is great, the only thing is, there's a small chance someone gets on the mic stoned as fuck and says something stupid as hell, and stupid is contageous, if one guy says one stupid thing, you know a bunch of other people will think it's funny and start doing the same and then you lose all validity and credibility on the event, which would suck, i guess you could just fix that with having the people with the mic's screen the questions first before the person asks them, if i come up with any more ideas, i'll let you know BOSS.
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