The Gateway Effect


New Member
But it is based on lies. And it thankfully is not as widespread as some would want you to believe.

Let me set some things straight before I get too far. I do not believe that everyone that enjoys cannabis will progress into harder drugs, but there is some small percentage that have and this may well continue. And while most of these people may have ended up on harder drugs regardless of use of cannabis, I do believe that there may well be a Gateway Effect that affects some percentage, but my argument is not the same BS you have heard before. And in my explanation below it is simple to see how to once and for all eliminate the Gateway Effect and my counter for arguments based on this topic.

Is there something inherent in cannabis that may lead to harder more addictive drugs? No
Is there something currently about cannabis that may lead to this progression? My opinion is yes

It is not that cannabis has any properties that would make someone desire to use other drugs. It is the lies that are told about cannabis. The fact that our legal system has set cannabis as a schedule 1 drug is dangerous and irresponsible. When someone is told that cannabis leads to moral decay, addiction, lack of control, insanity, and death - but then via personal experience find out the truth - it may lead some people to question what other lies they have been told. It will lead to a lack of trust and respect to the authority that had told those lies. Beyond breeding contempt and disrespect for this authority; they may well question that perhaps all the other Schedule 1 drugs are not dangerous or highly addictive, and this may in turn lead to experimentation with said substances.

When a lie is exposed, all other information from the same source is considered invalid. The government's lies about cannabis and the war on drugs is the Gateway Effect to harder and more addictive substances. For some small percentage of users the government needs to understand that they themselves (the government) are the gateway.

re: The Gateway Effect

I agree, I've seen a few friends follow that same train of thought you are talking about and become regular users/addicts of hard drugs and pills, some of whom have been to rehab multiple times without improvement. This is the most important reason that I believe Cannabis should be legal for medical and recreational use..
re: The Gateway Effect

I agree that marijuana can be a gatewa drug for SOME. I have seen many kids 17-20 who would just smoke to get messed up not to just relax or sit around n laugh with friends. So once there tolerance is up on marijuana and they dont really get "High" of it anymore they move to Prescription pills, coc****, and other cases even harder drugs. In my case marijuana is plenty of a high for me and I have just recienlty quit drinking and only smoke now.
re: The Gateway Effect

Rin101 - Exactly, my biggest concern is that it isn't cannabis that is the gateway. If the government had put beer as a Schedule 1 drug, then beer would be the "gateway".

Smokealotmus2 - I agree that teenagers are probably the most affected by the lie that causes the gateway effect. Teenagers are just coming to the point where they question authority (Parents, Schools, Government), and unfortunately when they find out the lies behind cannabis they don't believe what they are told about any drugs.

In addition, I do not think the effect is large, I don't believe tha gateway theory pulls many. But if Cannabis were rescheduled, and if the truth about the plant wopuld get out then we could wipe out this effect from the Gateway lie theory.

re: The Gateway Effect

I totally agree. It's not the drug itself, it's the disillusionment that comes from realizing "hey, everything I've been told about cannabis is bullsh*t".
re: The Gateway Effect

Well I was breast fed as a baby and now I smoke pot does that mean mothers milk leads to drug use !! I was also fed formula out of a beer bottle , is that why I love beer so much now ? :peace: :bong:
re: The Gateway Effect

McGrunge - Exactly

ol hippy - conception is the gateway ;)

I had to re-read your post... At first I was trying to figure out how awkward getting breast milk into a beer bottle must have been.

re: The Gateway Effect

Reading the title of this thread, I didn't expect to actually agree with the OP. While I don't believe in a Gateway Effect at all, I do like the argument and the question's that arise about the shitty way the Government has handled classifying drugs.
re: The Gateway Effect

Loch, good points. I think there's something deeper, too, and again it has nothing to do with Cannabis.

I think many people are missing something in their lives or have deep emotional trauma. They seek something to fill the emptiness or cover the pain. That's why street drugs are out there, and that's why kids turn toward them.

If everything was cool in their psyche, if their emotional state was completely healthy, if there was no pain or sense of loss, if everything was perfect, they'd feel completely comfortable within their skin and have no need to seek things to alter their consciousness.

Unfortunately, that isn't the world we live in. We're all lost and broken and doing the best we can to survive. If you're in an emotional state to want to alter your consciousness, for whatever reason, it doesn't matter what the substance is. The same reasons that someone is willing to try ethanol and other harmful drugs (legal or not) are the same reasons people may try Cannabis for the first time.

Fortunately Cannabis has characteristics that can satisfy so many emotional and physical ailments, and can actually keep people away from the harmful drugs, Cannabis can help to remove harmful drugs from people's lives through its rehabilitative qualities.

I have other thoughts that are probably off topic here. I posted another thread for that here: Legalization and Profits
illest - Yes looking back, I realize using an invocative title was a little out of form.

FreakNature — I'm totally going to check out your thread

Eamon420 — That is why I am trying to grow now. I have been out of the scene for around 20 years. With only a few trips to Amsterdam during that time. I just can not bring myself to go on the hunt, while I there is some fear of a bust due to my grow, it is very low compared to the fear of a bust trying to find a dealer, going to houses or apartments of people I do not know, etc. etc. Just too old to do that stuff again.

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