Thats mag def right?


Well-Known Member
Veg day 52.
RDWC Rez water never changed. Will change on day 60 to flowering nutes.
Nutes kept low and added 5g nutes here and there when ppm drops low (700's). Currently its at 805 and has never been over 1000. I could be feeding it higher but thought i should get some opinions first.
Strain:Seedsman Jack Herer
Lights: Qb132 x12 at 4 inches from top of plants. Running at 200 watts per row, 3 rows so 600 watts total.
I use tap water at 160 to 170ppm
I have never added any calimagic and do have it on standby.

Thats gotta be magnesium deficiency right? My pH is always above 5.8. I keep it from 6.0 to 6.2 and for a few days over a week ago it was even as high as 6.4 to 6.6 before i changed it back down. If anything i should be seeing calcium deficiency but am not, so im led to believe that its simply a lack of magnesium in the rez. Opinions? Maybe jack herer is just a more hungry strain and im not feeding enough?

From what I understand it looks like both calcium and magnesium deficiencies. Calcium being the brown rust spots and mag being the yellowing in between the veins- aka ‘interveinal chlorosis’. Mag def looks quite striking when it gets bad- dark green vein lines with yellow leaf in between.
Awesome thanks guys :D Cal/mag def confirmed, i imagine im lacking both since i have not been adding any calmag. I'll add in 45ml (3 TBS) of calimagic and ill set pH to be 5.7 to get that good level of calcium for 2 days, then ill go back to 6.2, and repeat this process and hopefully see if it helps. Sucks that in hydro cal and mag are 2 different ph levels -.-
ok so calcium def isnt just specks, its blotches too?

I think so yes. That’s been my assumption. I try not to pretend to be an expert on deficiencies. Others will have more input. @Mr. Krip is good with this stuff too.
OK, I agree that there's both Cal & Mag deficiencies.

this yellowing between the veins is a Mag deficiency:


These brown "splotches" are likely a Cal deficiency:


This could be do to two issues:

1) If you're using R/O water in your res, you MUST add Cal-Mag
2) You said your PH shot up to 6.6 for a week? That would be enough to cause nutrient lockout.

To fix, make sure you'r res PH stays between 5.5-6.0 and, if using R/O, add Cal-Mag supplement.
Yea see what Mr Krip has to say, but that's what it looks like to me. Mag deficiency isn't common actually.

It is possibly an iron deficiency instead of Mag. They look almost identical except Mag effects lower growth and iron effects upper growth (since Mag is a mobile element, the new growth steals it from the old growth!).

If the issue was lack of Cal-Mag in R/O water, it's likely Mag. If it's the PH issue, it's likely iron which would get locked out before Mag on high PH. Either way, the issues should resolve by correcting PH and making sure the water source has the Cal-Mag (which also has iron!) in it.
It is possibly an iron deficiency instead of Mag. They look almost identical except Mag effects lower growth and iron effects upper growth (since Mag is a mobile element, the new growth steals it from the old growth!).

If the issue was lack of Cal-Mag in R/O water, it's likely Mag. If it's the PH issue, it's likely iron which would get locked out before Mag on high PH. Either way, the issues should resolve by correcting PH and making sure the water source has the Cal-Mag (which also has iron!) in it.

Thank you! Thats very informative! Thats likely exactly what happened, the ph getting so high lead to the iron def cause i noticed the yellowing wasnt exactly from bottom up, it was in random spots which threw me off.
Either way i just added 5g nutes (50ml/50ml/25ml) and 45ml calimagic. Ph was 5.97 before posting this so it should have been brought down a bit more after adding all the nutes. On my way to recovery!
Not sure if this changes anything, but one of the very top leaf's has clear signs of yellow blotches and calcium blotches.
The problems are still occuring :( What do you guys think?

Over 48 hrs ago i did a mid to heavy defoliation to chop off all the cal splotched leafs as well as clean the plants up a bit. 1 day later i found maybe 4 or 5 leaf's i cut tips off of and continued to watch to see if they degraded more, they did not. Now another day later, im seeing other leaf's not previously affected are now showing calcium splotches. It doesnt look like the magnesium blotches are continuing but i cant be 100% certain on that one, just feels like im not seeing more yellow so thats good.

I wanted to do a very heavy defoliation a day before switching to flower but if issues are still arising i dont want to take away the leaves or it'll start attacking tops. I feel so conflicted D: If its really only calcium and since cal = immobile, maybe i just need to feed it a tablespoon of calmag every day until i see it stop?

Things to note:
*This (calcium blotches) is happening on upper leaves but not newer growth.
*Ph has been in 5.8 to 6.1 range these last 2 days. I let it go as high as almost 6.2 to get some calcium before dropping back to 5.7 or 5.8 usually.
*Yellow tips on all the upper leafs were the very first thing to show before calcium and magnesium blotches showed up, i never mentioned that before
*Rez water has not been changed for over 60 days, maybe this is a result of that? I wanted to see how far i could push a rez change so i know for future grows. Perhaps it'll fix itself when i change the water out in a few days (to the flowering nutes)

Here is a video to show and explain everything i just typed up above:

Here are a few photo's to show my recordings for those of you who'm are interested.

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