Telling a male from female in plants and when to remove them?


Well-Known Member
I had my neighbor bring me a plant that looked pathetic. They had two plants in one cup with no holes in the bottom and I took the plant from them and put it in a five with amendments.

I am worried because it came from a seed from bud they bought. I don't know where they got it.

My concern is it messing up my grow.

So when can you tell? And how small would the sacks be when you can tell?

I will put photos below. Of it sitting next to my plants. Thougj they look much better....I worry.

All close ups are of that plant.

In the photos where you can see all the plants it is the closest one to you.






Looks like a crab claw on the first close up. Still too early to tell though. Once you see sacks, you'll still have a week or two before they open. Just keep checking every few days and once you can confirm sex, you can remove or continue.
Still got time is the short answer.
That plant was given to me in a WAWA smoothie cup. A large.
It was in miracle grow soil and the bottom of the cup was soaked. They left it in the dark for many days with no light.
When I got it, it was 8 inches tall with not a single bud branch grown. Just leaves. Well there are two seeds in that seed pod they started. One is much shorter but they came up same time.

I guess the miracle grow will even grow a plant in the dark. lol

So, now, it appears younger than it is because the secondary growth took about a week to start moving.

I have had my plants hermie before. That is what worried me about this one because that one photo looks like nanners.
But that is an extreme close up. The odd thing is they are growing where no branch would grow.

I told them if that ends up being a male they can take the whole bucket back and keep it in their back yard where it would get sun.
Which of course makes me wonder, why on earth didnt they put it in their back yard where the sun shines all day?
My yard has trees running down both fences in the back so I cant grow anything in my yard. But their yard is full sun all day. They have direct sunlight on the plants for at least 9 hours a day and the ambient light is over 12 hours a day. So there is no reason it wouldn't do well in their yard. I'm going to give it another week. If I dont see female characteristics I am sending it back to them.
I got another couple photos.

I keep thinking I'm seeing male and female.

One minute I think I see female and then on one side it looks like it could be starting male.

I don't want any chance of messing this grow up. I finally got everything dialed in and this thing can not mess me up.

If you zoom some of the photos they are clear enough to get close





I got some more photos. I just don't trust this plant for some reason. I see female parts on it. But it was stressed beyond normal and now it's doing well. Some places where it appears a calyx is it looks almost like it's growing out of a ball near the stem.

So it causes me to wonder if it's a hermaphrodite already from stress.

I'm just gonna keep posting photos every day or so in case I don't catch it. Maybe someone else will before it has to go. Or I will ruin quite possibly my best grow ever

It is tall and not bushy but that could be because it was growing in miracle grow potting soil and placed in a room that gets no light. It got a little light here and a little light there







I have read articles and looked at like 100 photo comparisons and all of them shown male parts that looks sort of like this. But sort of not.

Some show a stem with a ball on the end of it and some cartoon drawings look like both are the same. Female and male. It's so absurd that it seems people are putting out information that varies from site to site article to article and drawing to drawing.

The Internet is really a stage for confusion.
I have read articles and looked at like 100 photo comparisons and all of them shown male parts that looks sort of like this. But sort of not.

Some show a stem with a ball on the end of it and some cartoon drawings look like both are the same. Female and male. It's so absurd that it seems people are putting out information that varies from site to site article to article and drawing to drawing.

The Internet is really a stage for confusion.
Still learning all i know from the start is that if it doesn't have full blown balls it is a female. Little signs still learning all the tricks.
Still learning all i know from the start is that if it doesn't have full blown balls it is a female. Little signs still learning all the tricks.
I actually saw a female have what appears to be a ball with two calyx coming out of it. (*I think I used the right word)
Then I saw a male with a stem that led to just a ball. Nothing coming out of it.

This is confusing at the moment but that plant is tall and wasnt bushy. But when the neighbor gave it to me it had been about 2 weeks old maybe a bit more and it had zero secondary growth from the nodes....You know the bud stems which grow out between the stalk and the leaf? It was really bad looking and about 7 inches tall the one plant and the other was about 4 inches tall.

They kept it in the dark for a long time and then put it in a window sill. Had it in a tall clear WAWA cup with no holes in it and literally soaked with water for the first 4 inches at the bottom. It was in miracle grow soil.

I put it in a five gallon bucket immediately and used Dr Earth veg 4 tablespoons. I think i have had it for about 2 weeks or maybe a bit longer. Which it is starting to bush out a bit but nothing like my other plants. They are all very bushy except the Lemon Haze Auto which looks like a Skeleton. I topped it. Probably not good for that plant. But we shall see. 50 to 70 says was the time given by seed co but it took 122 days to finish. Off topic there. But the Lemon haze has balls with two calyx sticking out of it all over the place and its no way its a male. Or IS There a way? It came off a feminized auto plant. I will take a photo and post it below in a few minutes. I will put TWO photos below. One of the plant that this thread is about. And the other will be of my Lemon Haze Auto....

edit: first 2 are of the lemon haze auto second 2 are of the plant the thread was made regarding. So hard to tell if it could have been much more bushy than it is with that plant because of how stressed it was when I got it and the fact that it was 7 inches tall nearly yellow and had not one sign of bud stem growth anywhere. Every plant I've grown has had secondary growth come as it grows. But none of my plants were stressed with no light flooded out either.




If it is a male you should destroy it or at least grow it indoors in a controlled, filtered area. Once pollen starts to fly it is so light that it can travel miles on the wind and pollinate every other outdoor growers' plants around you.

Could be the one plant they grow all year for their medicine. Not cool.
If it is a male you should destroy it or at least grow it indoors in a controlled, filtered area. Once pollen starts to fly it is so light that it can travel miles on the wind and pollinate every other outdoor growers' plants around you.

Could be the one plant they grow all year for their medicine. Not cool.
I did a lot of researching and so far there is just no way to tell as far as where it is now.

The lemon haze photos have to be female because the seed came off my auto feminized plant that hermied.

But the other one just isnt far enough along yet to tell anything.
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